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Volume 11 January 2004

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Email: The Highlander

The Virtual Library of Sport
Email: Brian Stringer - George Krum Website: The Virtual Library of Sport
Editor's Note: A friend and chess "mentor" of mine named George recently directed me to a website based in the UK that he is working with called "The Virtual Library of Sport". Specifically he pointed me to the Superbowl and World Series sections. Needless to say, I was amazed at the sheer volume of information and immediately asked them for more details so we could share their amazing efforts with our readers.

CALLING ALL SPORTS FANS! Finding information on the Web can be a bit frustrating at times. Search engines are useful, but how often do they throw up dozens of sites for you to sift through, only to find them broken, out-of date or not really relevant? An alternative way to find sites is to look up links in directories relevant to your specific interest. The Virtual Library of Sport is one good way to tackle the problem. It provides global, updated coverage of websites categorized under subjects, providing links to the key sites in that subject and is highly regarded as an authoritative source, particularly in academic subjects.

We act just like a library providing information on sport, but via links to other websites instead of books. The site is produced by fans or 'librarians' that look after sections of the library, helping to maintain links and answering questions on selected sports. Although we are based in Launceston, Cornwall, England, our librarians live all round the round the world. We provide a clean site free of logos or glaring adverts, although we do have simple, sponsor's text links. We have thousands of successful page requests per day and a regular stream of questions.

The Virtual Library of Sport provides global links to key resources in nearly all sports. Have you ever heard of Jorkyball, Sepak Takraw or Touchball? If you need to get information about these "hard-to-find" competitions or other "mainstream" sports, check out our site.

We make no attempt to provide a 'complete' set of links. We focus on links to sites that define 'The Game' (definitions, history, rules, how to improve your skills, forums, etc), International, National and District, Associations and servers for each sport, tournaments, results etc, usually stopping short of providing links to individual clubs - there are many other servers covering clubs.

There are always opportunities to join us as a librarian. All you need is knowledge of the web, a love for your game and some enthusiasm to give some of your time to your sport for the benefit of others. If you would like to help in this way then get in touch. We would like to hear from you. There are also opportunities for sports fans to help with the maintenance and development of the site. The site is regularly updated by visitors and by volunteer librarians. The latter take responsibilities for sections of their own sport, answering questions by email, upgrading links or even writing complete sections, depending on their skills and interests.

If you have a love for a sport, a good working knowledge of that sport and an interest in the World Wide Web, then may be the place for you to develop that interest. Take a look at The Virtual Library of Sport and email your comments to the

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