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Volume 11 January 2004

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Email: The Highlander

IMHO - The ramblings of Phil Speranza
Email: Phil Speranza Website: Behind The Bombers
Phil is publisher of the longest running New York Yankees fan site on the Internet and did the 2000 season update of The Yankee Encyclopedia 5th Edition published by Sports Publications LLC.

GREETINGS BOMBER BUDDIES; boy did a lot happen since we lost game six of the World Series in our own house. Seems like everyone wants to play in their back yard. Leading off, Andy Pettitte opted to play for the Astros even though he was offered more from the Yankees and Red Sox. Brian Cashman told WFAN that they did indeed make their first offer to Andy right after the World Series. Andy told the press differently. There is no real indication of who is telling the truth unless you consider the following article from FOX NEWS: Blind as a Bat

"We were pretty upset when this professional player decided to leave New York. We thought it was for more money, but we were wrong. For years this guy professed to have a "special relationship with God." But it turns out he had a special relationship with a woman who was not his wife. When the wife found out, she went ballistic. The player had two choices: stay in New York with his mistress, or return home and play with a new team. Wisely, he chose the latter, which was why you didn't hear the thunder that usually accompanies such transactions. His employer knew the score, and had to acquiesce. Sometimes being a sport is more important than playing one."

Is it true? I don't know, nor do I know anything about the writer.

The preceding stories in this news wrap up had to do with Michael Jackson and John Lennon trying to wear contact lenses. So I guess it has to be true.

Andy will be missed; we won't have our stopper or a lefty in our rotation. Oh you say David Wells agreed to a minor league deal. Yes he did, but his word is as good as an ice cube on a 99° day. I guess what goes around comes around.

Yes the Yankees and Mr. Wells agreed on an incentive written contract that included a fitness clause. Along came the San Diego Padres who offered a similar deal except it had a come, as you are stipulation. Yes they said "you can pitch for us no matter how out of shape you are." So Boomer went to play for his hometown Padres and hometown taverns. This may be a blessing in disguise. Yankees are now down two lefties.

So we go into the new season without a southpaw in our rotation. We have a rotation that has a lot of ifs.

Mike Mussina a solid starter, has to step up without Andy.

Javier Vazquez, can he make it in the Big Apple? The Yankees signed him to a four year deal. He has all the right stuff, but that's what was said about Jeff Weaver.

Jose Contreas, can he do it full time? If he is healthy he might be a savior on this staff.

Kevin Brown, a fragile lefty who is pushing 40.

Jon Lieber, a year off due to major surgery in 2003 may be the surprise of the staff in 2004.

Still we are without a lefty, if the D-Backs don't get off to a good start the Big Unit may be available come June, but there are two detours there. One, he is also up in years and we don't know how much he has left either and two the D-Backs still want to stick it to George. Al Leiter may be available before long so there are some options. The Bronx Bombers haven't won without a lefty since 1947. And in Yankee Stadium we really need at least one.

On board our Gary Sheffield and Kenny Lofton, two bad boys that George is hoping pinstripes turn them into solid citizens. Lofton is expected to compete with Bernie Williams for the CF spot. They may just as well wind up sharing the CF/DH duties.

The greedy Sheffield, nephew of Doc Gooden with give us a solid bat in RF although the Vladamir Guererro deal that the Angels signed was a far better bargain. He may have asked more from the Yankees, and he may not have wanted to play here because he spurned the Mets as well.

Now I have one more thing to get off my chest...

Roger Clemens, is coming out of retirement to join Pettitte in Houston. Clemens will pitch for one more year, but he will be a Houston Astro until at least 2015 as a result of the unique agreement he made with the Astros. In addition to the one-year, $5 million deal Clemens agreed to the Astros also secured the future Hall of Famer's to a 10-year personal services contract to begin the year after he retires as a player. Clemens will be paid $1.5 million in 2004, with the $3.5 million balance payable in 2006. The Astros will give Clemens the same leeway the Texas Rangers gave Hall of Famer Nolan Ryan during Ryan's last year in Arlington. Essentially it means Clemens, like Ryan, will be allowed to watch his son play now and then on days when he is not scheduled to pitch. Clemens will also be allowed to occasionally arrive late on days he isn't pitching. Like Ryan, who signed a 10-year personal services contract with the Rangers upon his retirement, Clemens will have a similar arrangement with the Astros when his playing days are done. The main difference is that Ryan didn't say nor indicate he was 99% retired.

The Rocket was given a Hummer and made his farewell tour. Some fans paid big bucks, scalper prices to see his last game in their respective cities. The Yankees didn't even make a claim for his rights so we won't even get compensated. He gave his word that may prove to be just as good as Wells' word. Roger you never had class and never will, you don't know the meaning of tradition and your word is as good as Pete Rose.

It would like Cal Van Ripkin not retiring after his farewell tour. It would like finding out that the Paul McCartney death hoax was not a hoax after all and all the Beatles albums after Sgt Pepper being recorded with a Paul sound alike. It would be a classless act and show that Clemens doesn't give two poops about Yankee Tradition. If he does join Andy they won't have 15 games between them.

The moves we made this off-season just proves that our farm system has become depleted. This often happens to a team that doesn't have high draft picks. I will get into the need more after Spring Training starts.

Until next time, here is hoping all your base hits go for extra bases!

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