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Volume 12 February 2004

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Email: The Highlander

Steinbrenner B.A.T. Bio
Email: Michael Aubrecht Website: Pinstripe Press
Program scan courtesy of Sean Holtz

An excerpted version of my George Steinbrenner bio (written for ) was selected to appear in the 2004 B.A.T. (Baseball Assistance Trust) Annual Fund Raiser program. B.A.T. is an official organization recognized by Major League Baseball that assists families of ballplayers in times of need. About 140 former and current Major League players attended the Jan. 27th dinner, which was a rather pinstriped affair as its theme was "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the New York Yankees." About 60 former and current Yankees were in attendance. Yankees owner George Steinbrenner was the recipient of the Big B.A.T./Frank Slocum Award.


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