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Volume 12 February 2004

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Email: The Highlander

Ultimate Rivalry Quiz #2
Email: BosuxDUDE Website: is a tribute to "The Rivalry" with a unique emphasis on history, sportsmanship and good taste. This site razzes the Sox in a fresh way. It's an anti-team site that lacks the obscene icons and blowhard trash talk. Fans will enjoy the use of history and stats to back up the totally-Yankee commentary that is presented with a sense of respect for the opposition. There is even a great tribute to "Yaz".

1. "Ted Williams was one of the greatest hitters ever for sure. Also one of the lousiest managers!" Who said so?

2. This eventual Yankee described his first season in the Pacific Coast League: "I damn near led the whole United States in hitting: :392, 230 hits, 48 doubles, 174 RBI, and 31 stolen bases. In 130 games!" Who is he?

3. From 1950 thru 1957, the Yanks only missed one Series, and two World Championships. In those seasons, this key player was out for military service?

4. Yankees/Boston Braves manager?

5. Rod Carew made his splash after this then Twins' coach insisted he stay with the big club, even though Twins' front office wanted to dump Carew.

6. This manager devised the bunt coverage play where the defense sends the shortstop to cover third-base to eliminate the runner trying to advance from second?

7. Rickey Henderson patented continuing on to third from first base on a sacrifice. What manager invented that play? He also managed Rickey the year he went from 34 steals to 100.

8. He is the first batter in major league history to get two hits in one inning in his first major-league game, and the only major-leaguer ever to do so in his first two at bats. He did so with the Yankees trailing 9-0, leading them to a 15-10 win over the Red Sox in Fenway Park. Who is he?

9. Speed merchant on first. First baseman plays behind him, lulling him into confidence that he can swipe second easily off a big lead. Then: Pitchout! What manager invented this play?

10. Earl Weaver, Sparky Anderson, Dick Williams, Tommy Lasorda were below average ballplayers and well-above average managers who made it to the Hall of Fame. Rhetorical Question: Billy Martin: Series MVP, Series' record holder for hits in 6 games, a truly innovative manager in a game that's been around almost 150 years. Billy Martin is the ONLY manager to join two different clubs that had lost 100 games and manage them to successful seasons. Ain't it a travesty Billy isn't in the Hall of Fame? Years after his death, and he's still more famous and more important to baseball history than any of those guys!


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