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Volume 12 February 2004

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Email: The Highlander

Ruth Restored
Email: Matt Fulling (Portrait Matt) Website: Portrait Matt's Home Page
Editor's Note: We first introduced Matt's outstanding photo-retouch work back in October of 2003 to rave reviews. Matt's web site currently contains over 700 player images, and will keep growing indefinitely. Each zipped file listed contains 20 pictures, and there is an index with all player names and which file they are contained in. There is also a what's new section to make it easy to keep an eye for the latest updates. Check it out today!

THE PHOTO: Taken between 1924 and 1925 at Griffith Stadium based on the uniforms, the image, modified from an original found at the Library of Congress web site, identifies the 3rd baseman Ossie Bluege of the Washington Nationals/Senators (but lists an incorrect team nickname of the A's). The man sliding into third is not identified, but is obviously none other than Babe Ruth. If you are interested in purchasing a reprint of this restored photo email Matt at

Original Library of Congress


Matt's Restoration

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