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Volume 13 March 2004

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Email: The Highlander

Mail Call - Letters to the Editor
We have received a lot of emails recently complimenting our staff, suggesting material, and inquiring about the future of The Highlander. Here are just a few. (Please let us know how we can make your newsletter better. Email us your questions, comments and suggestions.)

The redesign of The Highlander site is great - though I may be later than most in sending the compliment. I have been busy trying to finalize a publisher for a book project entitled "Songs in the Infield" (a photo essay which chronicles the 1903-1919 Highlander/Yankees years). Will let you know if the book is accepted by a publishing house. I intend to do much of my own promotion and hope your readers will be interested. Regards and thanks again for the Hal Chase site promotion. Ray Istorico

Great news Ray! We would be happy to help promote "Songs in the Infield". Keep us posted on the release date.

Do you send the issue out via e-mail when an issue comes out? If not, when is the new issue due out? Great piece of work you have here. Came across it today and find that it is very enjoyable to read. Ronn Torrens

Thank you Ronn. I'm glad you found us. We post new issues the last week of every month. I will add you to our email list for monthly updates and announcements.

There's a Chief at work who is a huge Yankee fan. His brother is also a Chief and will retire late this year or early next year. He bought a book about the history of the Yankees and wants to get it signed by some players for his bro's retirement. I told him to contact the Vice President of Public Relations for the Yankees. I'm not looking for you to call in "a marker" but thought that you may have a contact related to your Yankee work who might grease the skids. Lt. Commander

Editor's note: We are "protecting the names" to "protect the surprise". The Lt. Commander is an old friend who also happens to be one of the biggest New England sports fans in the world. Despite that, I still decided to help.

Thank you so much for pulling all this together for me. You did not have to do this and I can't even begin to thank you for all your efforts. I speak for myself and my brother (who doesn't have a clue yet) when I say, Thanks. Chief

No, thank you Gentleman, it is my pleasure and I want to thank Harvey Frommer for his assistance in this matter. It's the least we can do for those of you that have sacrificed so much so that we can sleep in peace at night. Thank you for your service to our country. I understand that your brother was taking part in Operation Iraqi Freedom and we wish him (and all of our service men and women) a safe trip home and a well-deserved retirement!

Virgil Trucks Interview Feedback: (Too many to post - here are a few)

I just got a look at your newsletter - great job. I really appreciate what you did for Virgil's book. He's really appreciative. I know you're a Yankee fan, so I thought I'd throw in this little excerpt from Virgil's book for you to see. You'll get a kick out of it. Ronnie Joyner (Pepperpot Productions - co-author of "Throwing Heat")

Ronnie, thank you so much for the wonderful baseball cards and autographed book. Your work is absolutely second-to-none and I look forward to sharing all of your books, newsletters, caricatures, and baseball cards with all of our readers in future issues.

Great interview with Virgil! You know I never thought of it (or heard of it from him, and we speak a few times a year) but he would have been a Hall of Famer if he was a lifetime Yankee. That 1952 Tiger team he pitched for was horrible. They couldn't hit a thing. The best part of the interview was the Curse of the Goat. Virgil actually saw the guy that "cursed" the Cubs! Now that's a great story. Joe Gillespie (nBo Baseball)

The Virgil Trucks interview has been a complete success and I wanted to personally thank you again for your help in contacting him. Our site hits (on that page in particular) literally tripled this month (February) and I believe it was entirely due to Harold's great interview that would not have been possible without you.

"Thank you for sharing the interview with Virgil Trucks. He's a legend and it's nice to see he is still remembered." Detroit Tigers online fanclub

You're more than welcome, but it is we that are thankful for having the opportunity to start a relationship with someone of such great character. The conversation that I had with him after Harold's interview was amazing and I will cherish it forever. I mailed him a printed version with a Thank You letter and we plan on keeping in touch.

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