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Volume 14 April 2004

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Email: The Highlander

Mail Call - Letters to the Editor
We have received a lot of emails recently complimenting our staff, suggesting material, and inquiring about the future of The Highlander. Here are just a few. (Please let us know how we can make your newsletter better. Email us your questions, comments and suggestions.)

Mr. Frank Thomas was kind enough to send us a nice letter in regards to the exclusive interview we did with him in the March issue. It reads:

Just a note to let you know that I received the "Highlander" and really enjoyed reading it.

I also want you to know that the article you did on me was just great. I really appreciate you trying to help me with my baseball collection by putting in the years and company cards I'm looking for. I do hope we get some response.

I would also really appreciate if you could get me some card shows with some of the promoters you might know. Again, thanks for the copy.

Frank Thomas "The Original One" 1951-1966

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