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Volume 14 April 2004

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Email: The Highlander

Agree? Disagree? - My 2004 Predictions
Email: Michael Aubrecht Website: Pinstripe Press

THIS SEASON, I decided to go out on a limb and post my own 2004 predictions. We'll revisit this page in the October issue to see if I should move to Vegas or stick to my day job. Please feel free to email your agreements and/or disagreements and we'll post a compiled list in a future edition.


East: Yankees
Central: Twins
West: Athletics
Wildcard: Red Sox


East: Braves
Central: Astros
West: Diamondbacks
Wildcard: Cubs


AL Pennant: Athletics
NL Pennant: Astros
World Series: Athletics


AL Cy Young: C. Schilling
NL Cy Young: K. Wood
AL MVP: V. Guerrero
NL MVP: B. Bonds

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