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Volume 18 October 2004 Hell Freeze Theme

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Email: The Highlander

Mail Call - Letters to the Editor
We have received a lot of emails recently complimenting our staff, suggesting material, and inquiring about the future of The Highlander. Here are just a few. (Please let us know how we can make your newsletter better. Email us your questions, comments and suggestions.)

Hello Michael, Thank you for writing this great story on the M&M Boys. I am sixty-two years young and have been a New York Yankees fan since I was nine years old. I was fortunate to see Joe DiMaggio, Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris play and to this very day the "Mick" has always been my hero. Not one day in the past many years you would find me without my Yankee cap!

Everything in your article is right on target. The "Mick" was the fans favorite while Maris appeared to be very distant with most fans. Even before the M&M boys I had other Yankee heroes. Gil McDougal, Phil Rizzuto, Hank Bauer and Vic Raschi were some of my favorites. The dreaded Brooklyn Dodgers were always the villains. In 1955 my heart was broken as a thirteen year old when the "Bums" finally beat my Yankees in the World Series. Bill Mazeroski also gave me everything but a coronary attack with his walk off home run for a Pirates World Series victory in 1960.

Never the less I remain a true Yankee fan and one who appreciates your story very much! Thank you and "God Bless".... Jerry Hines aka "The Pinstripes Guy".

Thank you Jerry, both for the compliments as well as your eyewitness insight. The M&M Boys was one of the first essays I ever published here at the Pinstripe Press and it's a personal favorite of mine. I would like to recommend the movie *61 to anyone who is interested in an accurate portrayal of Mantle and Maris and the challenges that they faced on and off the field. That film provided the inspiration for the article and I would like to thank Billy Crystal for creating it.

I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading The Highlander. You addition of ex-player interviews was a nice touch and Harold Friend does a great job interviewing them. Marvin Terry's cartoons were also funny and I really liked the Fast Facts section that taught me things I wouldn't have known. Congratulations on another great year and I look forward to what you have planned for next season. - Andrew D.

Thank you Andrew. This has certainly been a great year and I am tremendously proud of the staff and their excellent work. The success of The Highlander over the last two years is solely due to the efforts of both our contributors and readers and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. We have some great plans in he works for 2005 and I can't wait to debut them.

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