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Self-criticism are Positives
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Pinstripe Press Update

A timeline of American and National League baseball from 2002-1901

Project expanded to include the National League (1900-1876), Federal League (1915-1914), Players League (1890), Union Association (1884) and American Assoc. (1891-1882).

June/July's Trivia:
First-baseman Wally Pipp is famous for being the player that Lou Gehrig replaced in the starting lineup to begin his streak of 2,130 consecutive games. What other distinction did Pipp claim?

Wally Pipp was the American League home run champion from 1916-1917.

Pinstriped Edition

Hola mi amigos! (continued)
Letter from the Editor
Michael Aubrecht Pinstripe Press

Flying over Puerto Rico I was surprised to see diamond after diamond cut into the tiny landscape representing a baseball field on just about every block. Later during a short layover in San Juan, I was overwhelmed by the countless faces of Major League players that were plastered on murals, busses and taxis everywhere. It was a sign of things to come and I can only imagine how many little future "big leaguers" were walking around the airport holding their parent's hands.

After touching down in beautiful Punta Cana, we were taken by driver to our resort through the winding streets of a desperate and economically struggling culture. Everywhere you looked, there was hardship and despair, yet many of the poor children playing in the streets were wearing Chicago Cubs or L.A. Dodgers hats. The bellboy that carried our luggage to our suite had a Sammy Sosa key chain and for every entertainment channel on their television sets, there were two or more broadcasting Spanish and American baseball games. The resort itself was breathtaking and the people at the Royal Club treated us like kings. Our fellow travelers were great too and we were fortunate enough to meet up with people from all over the world. Some were from familiar places like Philadelphia and Cincinnati, while others called Africa and France home. With me, the topic of sports always comes up and I was surprised to find that all of them followed the game of baseball and many had a favorite team. Some were Yankees fans, some rooted for the Phillies (Hey Dan and Angela!), some liked the Reds and others followed the local clubs.

I managed to catch a few innings of a great game between to local teams on Fox Espanola and it was some of the purest and most exciting baseball I've ever seen. They even had a sports bar covered in baseball memorabilia called "The HomeRum". Even more surprising was the fact that no other sport was represented. No other sport was advertised. Just baseball, our National Pastime… and theirs.

Six days later, I left the Dominican several shades darker and several pounds heavier with a newfound sense of appreciation for a game that has evolved into more of an "International Pastime". Even more importantly, I left with an even greater respect for the people and culture of this great island country.

The Pinstripe Press:
The Highlander:
Editor's Email:

Copyright © 2002-2003 Pinstripe Press. All Rights Reserved.
This online newsletter is not affiliated with the New York Yankees.
The opinions expressed solely represent the contributor's and not the Pinstripe Press.

The Highlander
Vol.7 August 2003
Questions or comments in regards to a specific article should be sent directly to that writer's email.

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Fast Facts:
Betcha' didn't know

Tony Lazzeri
On May 24, 1936, Lazzeri became the first player in history to hit 2 Grand Slams in one game. He did it against the Philadelphia A's in a 25-2 win while driving in 11 runs for an American League record.

Ron Guidry
On June 17, 1978, "Louisiana Lightning", struck out 18 against the California Angels, setting an American League record for a left-hander.

"When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a baseball player and join the circus. With the Yankees I have accomplished both"
Graig Nettles

"The reason I'm a Yankee is that George Steinbrenner out hustled everybody else."
Reggie Jackson, upon signing with the Yanks in 1976

Joe Torre is the 4th man to manage both the Yankees and Mets. Name the other three.

Answer In Next Issue
Have a trivia question?
Email it to us and
maybe we'll use it in an
upcoming issue.

Fan Feedback:
Cartoonist Wanted!
We have received several emails suggesting the addition of jokes and baseball cartoons.

We are looking for a volunteer cartoonist to produce 1 monthly cartoon. Email samples