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Dame Edna: Back With a Venegeance

NY Times Review Excerpts:Insult Alert: Duck if You Can, Possums By BEN BRANTLEY Attention, please, all you prematurely famous young women out there, you who have made such a hash of your early celebrity. You know who you are, Britney, Lindsay, Paris. You, too, little Olsens. Hasten to the temple known as the Music Box Theater and sit at the feet of a star who for decades has stomped unscathed, unbowed and unembarrassed through the realms of renown. Learn from her, children, for no one, ever, has been as happy to be famous or as certain that she deserves to be adored. She, of course, is the august Dame Edna Everage, who opened last night in her tirelessly funny new show, "Dame Edna: Back With a Vengeance!" Rest assured that though she wears elaborately engineered gowns with detachable pieces, Dame Edna is not given to mortifying wardrobe malfunctions that expose intimate body parts. If she were, though, you know that she would manage to make it all seem perfectly comme il faut. Dame Edna, you see, knows better than anyone that fame means never having to say you're sorry. And there is that marvelous introductory number that begins with Edna cooing to her audience, "This show is all about you." She keeps up the pretense until the song's very last line, when she screeches triumphantly that the show is really "all about me." Well, of course it is. And what bliss to be with a Broadway diva who doesn't pretend otherwise. TONY AWARDS HAVEN OPINION: With outstanding reviews across the board, Special Theatrical Event prize is looking good. It all depends on how it does box office wise, and what they do come tony time, and possibilities of road ventures.

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