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The Glass Menagerie

Cast List (with nomination possibilities out of 10)

NY TIMES REVIEW EXCERPTS:A 'Menagerie' Full of Stars, Silhouettes and Weird Sounds Memory, which is notorious for playing tricks on people, pulls off some doozies in the narcoticized production of Tennessee Williams's ''Glass Menagerie,'' which opened last night at the Ethel Barrymore Theater. As staged by David Leveaux, this revival suggests that to recollect the past is to see life as if it had occurred underwater, in some viscous sea through which people swim slowly and blindly. Folks drown in this treacherous element. Unfortunately, that includes the show's luminous but misdirected and miscast stars: the two-time Oscar winner Jessica Lange, who brings a sleepy, neurotic sensuality to the role of the vital and domineering Amanda Wingfield, and Christian Slater, who plays her poetical son, Tom, as a red-hot roughneck. Within its first 15 minutes, you feel the entire production sinking into a watery grave. But he hasn't shaken off the happy-go-lucky, blue-collar attitude of the part of the rebellious McMurphy in ''One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,'' in which he recently starred (irresistibly) in London. So when Tom says he knows he seems dreamy but that inside he is boiling, you think how little the fellow knows himself, since obviously the reverse is true. As Laura -- the shy, crippled daughter who never grew up and the proud collector of the glass animals of the play's title -- Sarah Paulson registers the single sustained note of an anguished, terrified 2-year-old. As the Gentleman Caller who comes to dinner, Josh Lucas turns in a strangely contemporary, goofy performance, as if he were an alumnus of ''Saturday Night Live.'' ----------------------- TONY AWARDS HAVEN OPINION: I don't forsee any nods for "Menagerie".

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