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Pacific Overtures (December 2004- PRESENT)

Cast List (with nomination possibilities out of 10)

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NY TIMES REVIEW EXCERPTS: Repatriating the Japanese Sondheim: BY BEN BRANTLEY--------- Now Mr. Miyamoto and "Pacific Overtures" have returned with an English-speaking, predominantly Asian-American cast, which makes distracting supertitles unnecessary. The show's sets, costumes and governing concept remain more or less the same. Yet unlike the New National Theater of Tokyo production, which was remarkable for its conviction and cohesiveness, this latest incarnation from the Roundabout Theater Company has the bleary, disoriented quality of someone suffering from jet lag after a sleepless trans-Pacific flight. Something has definitely been lost in the retranslation.The force and weight of any story, Mr. Sondheim's lyrics suggest, have less to do with its raw material than how it is assembled and from what perspective. Mr. Miyamoto surely has the ingredients to make magic again from "Pacific Overtures." But this time he only rarely gathers his fragments into the ineffable harmony that Mr. Sondheim celebrates. TONY AWARDS HAVEN OPINION: Pacific Overtures is not doing extreme business at the box office, and with a negative NY Times review, and mostly poor reviews, this show will not be getting any awards for anything, although a nomination for Best Revival of a Musical is inevitable, because of the fact that only 3 revivals (icnluding PO) have been scheduled to open as part of this season.