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(As you enter the gallery, you see a ghostly figure drifting along at the end of the hallway. . .)

Tseng: What? You're not running away at the sight of me? Darn. Oh, well. Welcome to the gallery. WR has her artwork and other people's here. . . or she will as soon as she gets her lazy behind moving.

WindRage (me): Oh shut up. You're dead, what do you know?

Tseng: I know that you're not getting Callista's portrait done sitting at your computer all day.

WR: Well, for your information, I'm working on that fanfic I told everybody else about. ::flips him off as she leaves the room::

Tseng: This is the treatment I get. . . anyway, enjoy.

Note: This will probably be the last part of the site to actually have stuff put in it. There is obviously nothing here now, and there won't be for a while.