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Hometown: Poughkeepsie, NY
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Group: Disturbed
Favorite Movies: Goodfellas & Seven
Beer of Choice: Molson Ice
Drink of Choice: Tanqueray and Tonic
Shot of Choice: Soco & Lime
Favorite Place: NYC
Likes: Live music
Dislikes: Traffic
Tattoo?: Yes, two

Enjoy some pictures...

PTM's finest.

Halloween '01.

Our favorite local DJ, Mr John Gilmore from WRRV.

Gap Party, Summer '01.

WG show at The Downtown Tavern in Middletown, NY.

Carousel ride at Kahunaville in Syracuse, NY.

Punky B's Halloween show at Dominicks in Middlehope, NY.

A*9's WTC Benefit show.

The girls at Front Street in Newburgh, NY.

Toys for Tots Benefit Show, Christmas '01.