A note about Fairytales

Just a quick note about the story, to help you understand why I do the things I do. First of all, if you've already started reading I know the question thats on your mind; 'What's up with all the random-ass song lyrics?". See, the thing about my stories is they kinda have a soundtrack. This is partly because they start out as movies in my head and I try the best I can to write them out, and partly because music is usually what influences and inspires me the most. Basically, my world begins and ends with music, so it became a part of this as well.
Now I was reading a story the other day, and I realized that having song lyrics is actually really anoyying, but I swear I'm not doing it just to piss whoever is actually reading this off. They actually serve a purpose. The lyrics are either there because they go with the feeling of the scene, or because they can convey whats going on better then I can. I would reccomend listening to those songs while you read it (if u want the whole soundtrack thing going on) or at least singing it in your head to get a feel of it and what its saying. Also, alot of things in my life involve music, as do the lives of ma y other people in this story, so it really shouldn't be to shocking that this story involves music. But if it bothers you, just skip it.

once again, I'm not sure if anything I just said makes sense, but basically- The song lyrics are there just because thats how my messed up thought process works and they aren't that importaint. If u don't wanna read em, skip em. There is a scroll bar for a reason people!

~*Sizzle* strikes again~

Take me there, I wanna go there, take me there, lets go there....

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Email: crazychica1686@aol.com