Survivor Series 2001 Predictions

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WWF is running it's annual Survivor Series PPV tomorrow night. Last week, everyone was thinking that this PPV would be a horrible one, with the main-event being singled out as the reason. But then on Smackdown, Paul Heyman pulled the best "shoot" in recent history. He ran down McMahon right to his face, bringing up McMahon's past history of ruthlessness. He spoke about Vince Sr. promising the promoters of the time that neither him or his son would compete. Heyman accurately pointed out that the second Vince Sr. died Vince Jr. went back on his father's word and went buckwild in other territories. (He signed wrestlers like Junkyard Dog, Barry Windham, and even Ted Dibiase which closed the doors of many territories.) Heyman also said that Vince's own children wish that he would burn in hell and that he didn't blame them. Heyman drew emotions that alot of present-day wrestling fans can't relate to bringing up three of McMahon's most controversial past employees. He spouted that he built the Titan Towers from the blood of Hulk Hogan, took away Shawn Michaels' smile and bought a WWF airplane, and screwed Bret Hart, who only wanted to live a dream. Then he showed what his true gripe with McMahon was. He told everyone about how Vince stole his legacy and stole his ideas from ECW. He was referring to the WWF's "Attitude" re-marketing campaign of the late 90's when he was getting stiff competition from the WCW. Heyman said that Vince stole most of his talent, which ultimately led to ECW going out of business. This led to Heyman taking off his hat, throwing it at Vince, and showing the world his balding head (to the surprise of alot of people.) All the while Vince just stood there silent and took the avalanche of verbal abuse. Heyman finally told Vince to look at Tazz, who was the color-commentator. Heyman yelled at McMahon, saying that Tazz was at one time a killer. He was once a great wrestler, reasoned Heyman, but now he was just a fat color-commentator, and not even a good one. This prompted Tazz after a few moments to step into the ring and put Heyman in the Tazzmission. Vince took the mic proclaim that Heyman is the epitome of what the Aliiance will do at Survivor Series. Choke."
This segment of Smackdown sparked alot of interest in the WWF PPV. Of course, with this being a "Winner Takes All" main event, it will be very hard to predict the results.

WWF Survivor Series 2001 Predictions

Women's Championship
Jacqueline vs. Trish Stratus vs. Lita vs. Mighty Molly vs. Ivory vs. Mystery Opponent (Jazz from ECW)
Winner: Lita

Immunity Battle Royal
This battle royal will take place so that the winner will receive immunity from being fired for one year if his side loses in the main event. Here are the wrestlers who will be in the match.
Billy Gunn
Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Chuck Palumbo
Diamond Dallas Page
Hugh Morrus
Justin Credible
Lance Storm
Scotty 2 Hotty
Shawn Stasiak
Steven Richards
The Hurricane
Tommy Dreamer
Winner: Kidman

WWF/WCW Tag Team Unification Match; Steel Cage
WCW Tag Team Champions; The Hardy Boys vs. WWF Tag Team Champions; The Dudley Boys
Winners: The Hardy Boys
This will be a brutal match, with the cage being the primary weapon. These guys have to go all out, so I have the Hardy's winning it.

WCW U.S. Championship/WWF Intercontinental Championship Unification Match
WCW U.S. Champion; Test vs. WWF Intercontinental Champions; Edge
Winner: Edge
Edge will get the win in what may be the show stealer.
10 Man Elimination Tag Team Match; Winner Take All
Team Alliance: Shane McMahon, Booker T, Rob Van Dam, Kurt Angle, and Steve Austin vs. Team WWF: Big Show, Kane, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, and The Rock
Winners: Team WWF
This match will be a classic. Hopefully Ric Flair will be in attendance and make himself seen. The Rock and Austin will be the last competitors, and should put on a twenty minute match after everyone else is eliminated. Ric Flair will cost Austin the match and side with the WWF in a shocker.

Overall this should be a good PPV, also, in the recent Ross Report, Jim Ross stated that a couple more matches may be added.