December 11, 2001: Vengeance Goes Off Without a HHH

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WWF ran their annual Vengeance PPV (this PPV was formerly called Armageddon) on Sunday Night, and followed it up with a pretty good Raw show the next night. They kept one of their promises by giving us an "undisputed" World Champion for the first time since the NWA split, but where is the Game? In last week's TV Guide, in the PPV section, we see a pissed looking Triple H with his trusty sledgehammer. We watched Triple H keep kayfabe on NBC's syndicated "The Other Half." We even saw Triple H's comedy potential on MadTV. I had a feeling HHH wouldn't show up on Vengeance, but I just KNEW he would be on the following Raw ala Ric Flair. Raw played a video of Triple H before their over-run started so I rubbed my hands together maniacally and sat in wait during the Jericho/Austin cage match. No Game. So the question is, where is Triple H?
Vengeance wasn't a bad PPV, with the three main-events, the RVD-Undertaker match, and the Hardy Boys fued being the focal points. Here's a review of the show, with a Raw review following.

WWF Vengeance PPV
The show started with a video tribute to WWF and WCW champions of yesteryear. Some of the people that we saw were Flair, Sammartino, Backlund, and Iron Sheik. They also showed some closer to present-day champions such as Kevin Nash, Sting, Austin, and The Rock.
The PPV officially starts with a Vince McMahon/Ric Flair promo. Vince basically said that there was no man in the business that could make him kiss their ass. Ric Flair came out and said the fun was about to begin.
Scotty Too Hotty and Albert vs. Christian and Test
Albert got the victory over Christian to end this boring tag team affair.
Edge vs. William Regal for the WWF Intercontiental Championship
Edge and Regal went at it for close to 10 minutes, with the psychology of the match revolving around William Regal's propensity to use brass knuckles on unsuspecting opponents. (More of his brass knux chicanary can be seen on the following episode of Raw.) Regal would have won the championship using his brass friends, if it wasn't for the instincts of Edge allowing him to put a foot on the rope. Regal wasn't swayed and tried to wear Edge down. Edge would not stay down and he hit a spear out of the blue to get the pinfall on Regal and retain his belt.
Kurt Angle and Ric Flair promo with Kurt telling Flair that not even he could unify the championships, and that Angle would be the man to do it. Flair responds by telling him to do it. (As opposed to talking about it.) Meanwhile, Matt Hardy and Lita were having a conversation in the back, with Matt apologizing to Lita for pulling her into the middle of his heat with Jeff. He also recommended that after tonight they put all their differences behind them.
Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy with Lita as special referee.
Lita added a little psychology to this match-up by seeming to be genuinely concerned about these two guys hurting each other. More Lita-ology later on as she keeps breaking up illegal holds by Matt with Matt getting more and more frustrated with her officiating. The end came when Matt had a foot on the rope before Jeff hooked it and Lita not seeing it. She counted the three, awarded the match to Jeff and Matt high-tailed it to the back obviously feeling betrayed.
Trish Stratus entered The Rock's locker-room and kissed him on the cheek to wish him good luck. He said that he was concentrating on unifying the titles and afterwards there would be plenty of time to celebrate.
D-Von and Buh Buh Ray Dudley vs. Big Show and Kane for the Tag Team Championship.
Pretty predictable match being that the four competitors don't show too much variety in their respective offense. The match came to an end with the Dudley's dropping Show face first on an exposed turnbuckle and getting the pin.
Lita went to the back to try to reconcile with Matt, be he would have none of it, grabbed his bags and retreated.
Rob Van Dam vs. Undertaker for the WWF Hardcore Championship
Undertaker and RVD went back and forth in a pretty brutal hardcore match. The finish came when Undertaker chokeslammed the Whole F'N Show off the stage and onto various plunder below. Undertaker takes the hardcore title home to Death Valley with him after the match.
Chris Jericho practiced his new (new?) "egomaniac" gimmick with one of the true psychology masters in the game, WHHOOOO!, the Nature Boy. Jericho said that tomorrow night on Raw he expects Flair to present him with the Undisputed Championship.
Trish Stratus vs. Jackie for the WWF Women's Championship
Trish Stratus retains after Jackie gives her a stiff rub. You're not the true Women's Champion until Jackie lays into you with some stiff shots. Ask Crash.
They showed clips of Vince McMahon joining Rikishi's stink-ass club.
WWF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH, Steve Austin defends against Kurt Angle
Angle and Austin, who seem to be unable to have a bad match, took it slow tonight. They had a pretty good technical match with the end coming clean with a stunner to Angle. A highlight of the match, though, was Austin hitting Angle with 5 Benoit German suplexes.
Trish Stratus was hit on by Test, leading to him receiving the "Big Boot" from the room. Test wasn't pleased with her reaction.
The Rock defends the World Championship against Chris Jericho
Fast paced match-up with the oft-despised Jericho getting the victory after a low-blow and and Rock Bottom to win it. This sets up Austin vs. Jericho in the main event for the "Globally Honored" oh wait, the "WWF World and Formerly WCW Championship, with the NWA-look Belt"
Steve Austin vs. Chris Jericho to determine the Unified World Championship.
This match was a good match, with Booker T costing Austin the championship at the end. The PPV goes off the air with Vince McMahon smiling as Jericho grabs his new properties.
What could this all mean?
Could it mean that this is a set up for next year's top fueds?
Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle; Triple H vs. Chris Jericho; and the only main event they can run at the next Wrestlemania: Test vs. The Rock? Just wishful thinking, I guess.