March 22, 2001- ECW vs. WWF vs. WCW Feud?

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Vince McMahon

Is a WWF vs. WCW vs. ECW fued looming? From what I've read on internet websites, the WCW landscape looks flat, and ECW (officially or unofficially) has folded. With that said, the only national wrestling promotion around now is Vince McMahon. If the WWF does acquire World Championship Wrestling, that means that, in essence, Vince McMahon for now IS the "Big Three." If Vince was holding all of the national wrestling promotions, what are the possibilities? I will attempt to figure that out now.

If Vince does happen to buy WCW, it would be wise to take Paul Heyman and Johnny Ace (or whatever booker he deems fit enough to run WCW) and have them as the rulers of the two promotions. It seems as if Paul Heyman will do anything in his power to get ECW over (even after it folded), so having him run a seperate ECW wouldn't be too much to ask of him. Besides, the increase in production value would make ECW look two times better. With the leverage that having Vince McMahon as a partner would provide, it wouldn't be too hard to book ECW shows in larger arenas.

Since the above thought has you thinking that WCW is alot bigger than ECW talent-wise, here's another thought. Make all of the ex-ECW wrestlers that are on the current WCW roster join the ECW roster. Should I name some of the wrestlers that would include? I will anyway. Mike Awesome, Lance Storm, Shane Douglas, Jason (EZ Money) Jett, (Kid) Cash, Bam Bam Bigelow, oh wait, WWF has it's fill of ex-ECW wrestlers also. So with the WWF roster being as full as it is, maybe they can send some wrestlers to the ECW promotion themselves. Such as Rh(Y?)ino, Justin Credible, Eddy Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Taz, Perry Saturn, Steven Richards, Dean Malenko and Lita. I know, I didn't include Chris Jericho and The Dudley Boyz. But I would obviously not send them to the "New" ECW because they are so much over on WWF TV. With Paul Heyman owning the "new ECW" he would probably have no problem re-hiring people like Steve Corino and all of the other wrestlers that left. (Notice that I haven't mentioned Rob Van Dam and Sabu yet.) The new WCW would bring back Goldberg and all of the other wrestlers that "left" and build towards an ECW vs. WCW vs. WWF on a PPV entitled "When Worlds Collide."

What? You say that that has already been used? Well find one that hasn't. Anyway, following is my dream card, that I think Vince should seriously consider.

WWF/ECW/WCW Major Pain (pick a better PPV name!)
Taka Michinoku vs. Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Cash
Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Super Crazy
Shane Helms vs. Dean Malenko
Val Venis vs. Sean Stasiak
Sean O'Haire vs. Rob Van Dam
Rhyno vs. Animal (Good way to put Rhyno over.)
Tommy Dreamer vs. Raven (Strap Match)
Kronik vs. The Acolytes
X-Pac vs. Kidman
Booker T vs. The Rock
Jeff Jarrett vs. Chris Jericho
Edge & Christian vs. Dudleys vs. Hardys (TLC Match)
Scott Steiner w/ Midajah vs. Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon Helmsley
Steve Austin vs. Bill Goldberg (Cage Match)

I know that there are alot of other cards that look better than mine, but as you can see, the possibilities are endless. If Vince does purchase WCW, I think it would aid the wrestling community for a long time to come.

(c) Marlo Jones 2001.