Wrestlemania X-Seven Predictions

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I'm also predicting the order of the matches. I imagine they will start with Chyna so that the crowd will start popping from the first match on.

Chyna d. Ivory (for Women's Championship)
Sgt. Slaughter wins The Gimmick Battle Royal
Tazz, Faarooq, Bradshaw d. Bull Buchanan, Steven Richards, Val Venis
Test d. Eddy Guerrero
Raven d. Big Show, Kane
Chris Jericho d. William Regal
Shane McMahon d. Vince McMahon
The Dudleys d. The Hardys, Edge and Christian
Kurt Angle d. Chris Benoit
HHH d. The Undertaker
The Rock d. Steve Austin

(c) Marlo Jones 2001.