Invasion Match-By-Match Review

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Steve Austin

Invasion is just the build up for Summerslam. WWF does that every single time with these little PPV's (Backlash, Judgment Day etc.) I wasn't expecting anything huge to happen, and I was right for the most part.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Scotty Too Hotty (Heat) (**1/2)
I was surprised when I saw the heat Chavo Jr. got from the crowd when he first came out. Of course, he was masterfully playing to the crowd. When he kicked out of the Worm, I was the happiest man. Scotty Too Hotty's whole schtick is played out.
Chavo Guerrero wins.

Mike Awesome and Lance Storm vs. Christian and Edge (***)
I know everyone likes Lance Storm's (If I can be serious...) line, but it's REAL old to me. Are we going to go the route of Konnan and have the same line for 3 years? When I saw Christian slip near the beginning of the match, I thought to myself (damn!) If he would have hit that spot, I would have added another 1/2 star. Lance Storm looked like a ring general and was oddly calling the match. Christian and Edge must respect Storm to let him call the match as much as he was.
Edge and Christian win.

Earl Hebner vs. Nick Patrick (*)
This could have been Matt Hardy vs. Gregory Helms, or Mark Jindrak vs. Test; BUT NO! They run with old refs that looked like they were on Celebrity Deathmatch. What's Nick Patrick's problem anyway? Is he scared of anyone? Mick Foley will break him in half.
Earl Hebner wins.

Faarooq and Bradshaw vs. Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo (**1/2)
This was nothing but punches and kicks, oh and that Razor Ramonesque fallaway slam by Bradshaw. I wonder why they didn't let O'Haire get in more offense. He did the same spot twice. (The ducking chop to the midsection into the high knee lift.)
Acolytes win.

Kidman vs. X-Pac (***)
The beginning of this match (when they were trying to show each other up) was classic. By about the 5th minute, it was pretty boring. I love X-Pac, his style is classic. The way he comes to the ring and the way he jumps in are classic. Kidman was that guy in Junior High that was real plain, wearing "Air Borden" discount sneakers, and seemed poor. But when it came to it, he was the best in sports, and he'd beat you down something awful if you fucked with him.
Kidman wins.

Raven vs. William Regal (**)
Raven seemed bored, and William Regal needs more variations to his English wrestling style (or as Jim Ross called it, "unorthodox style").
Raven wins after Tazz runs-in.

Billy Gunn, Albert, and Big Show vs. Chris Kanyon, Hugh Morrus, and Sean Stasiak (1 1/2*)
This match was worse than the last match, but not by much. Mostly filler material. I thought Gunn was about to mess up that press slam, if he did, then this match would have gotten 1 star.
WCW Team wins.

Tajiri vs. Tazz (***1/2) This match wasn't as stiff as everyone said it would be, but it was still pretty stiff. Tajiri, RVD, and Tazz are the three top guys from the old ECW. Tazz doing the J-o-b to Tajiri was a smart move. I was looking for the tree of woe baseball slide that Tajiri does, but I guess he'll save that move for a later date.
Tajiri gets the clean victory over Tazz

Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy (****)
Jeff Hardy is out of his mind. I wouldn't go halfway up that ladder, and he's on the second to last rung posing. RVD was destined to be a superstar since "A Matter Of Respect" (order it on ECW Home Video.) It was hilarious when he knocked that kid down when he went for the Asai Moonsault in the crowd. RVD is talented, and the fans like talent, so RVD getting over as quick as he has isn't surprising to me. He might be the fastest guy to get over in wrestling's modern history. (Even Scott Hall was booed when he first formed the NWO.)
RVD wins the Hardcore Championship from Jeff Hardy.

Trish and Lita vs. Stacy Kiebler and Torrie Wilson (*) That one star is because we get to see these chicks stripping each other.
Trish and Lita win.

Team WWF (Austin, Angle, Undertaker, Kane, and Jericho) vs. Team WCW/ECW (Booker T, DDP, Rhyno, and The Dudley Boys) (****)
This was a fast paced, psychology filled 10 Man Tag match. Vince, Steph, Paul, and Shane were all on the outside of the ring, making it look they all had a vested interest in their wrestlers. The ending was predictable, but it makes sense storyline-wise. Rock vs. Austin is where it should be at this time.
Team WCW wins when Austin turns on the WWF.

(c) Marlo Jones, 2001