July 28, 2001-Afternoon Report, Including Rants

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There are hundreds of internet wrestling newsboards, and these rants are recaps of stories I read on a newsboard. You CAN NOT take all the rumors and newsbits you read here as completely verified news stories. So, on that note, here are some rants:

Joey Styles says that even if the WWF does acquire the ECW Video brand, that they might not be able to use them freely. His likeness is on just about every ECW Home video release, so illegal use of his likeness might be a problem in the future. He says that whoever wants to use the footage should contact him and his laywers beforehand...The Miami Herald has a section on their website discussing wrestling. Past articles featured Kronik, Steve Corino, and Goldberg. Click here to check it out...Main Event Championship Wrestling (MECW) has been making a slight buzz over the internet. With the national promotion drought in full effect, MECW out of Indiana is ready to take some business away from Big Vince. They have signed a few big name wrestlers such as Buff Bagwell (not sure if it's a permanent position for Buff), Curt Hennig, Public Enemy, and The Sandman. They are also rumored to be in talks with Joey Styles, Jason Sensation, Joey Abs, Chris Chetti, and others...WWF.com has recently reported the dates and locations for their three fall PPV's. Unforgiven will be on 9-23-01 in Pittsburgh, No Mercy will take place in St. Louis on 10-21-01, while the Survivor Series will be in Greensboro, NC on 11-18-01...Chyna believes that HHH fell out of love with her, and went to Stephanie McMahon. She kind of made it sound like he was so into his role that he started believing he was Stephanie's husband. That's just my interpretation of it though. Here's the what she said, from Steppin' Out magazine: "I think he (Triple H) got so involved in this business that he started to fall out of love with me and started falling in love with Stephanie McMahon. He was surrounded 24 hours a day with his storyline and what he was doing on television, and that's what he lived for"...Tough Enough did a 2.1 cable rating for this week, which is down .02 points...The First Official Raw preview was announced for the 7-30-01 Raw. Here it is:

"Finally, The Rock will come back to RAW IS WAR! This Monday at 9/8 CT on TNN, The Rock returns to RAW IS WAR! It has been nearly four months since the Great One has graced us with his presence, but this Monday, he will be LIVE and IN LIVING COLOR on RAW!

But the question remains -- just who will the People's Champion side with, Team WWF or Team WCW/ECW? Sure, The Rock has always been WWF through and through, but given his history with Mr. McMahon, it could be that Rock will choose to jump ship.

What do you want to see The Rock do? E-mail comeback@therock.com and tell the Brahma Bull where you want to see him go! But the only way to find out is to watch RAW IS WAR this Monday on TNN!

Also, as announced on Byte This!, Booker T will get a rematch against Kurt Angle for the WCW Title this Monday night live from Philadelphia! Can Booker become a five-time WCW Champ? Tune in and find out!

So don't miss RAW IS WAR and the return of The Rock -- LIVE from Philadelphia, this Monday at 9/8 CT on TNN!

Check back Monday afternoon for a full RAW preview once matches are announced!

That's all the ranting I'll do for now, thanks for checking it out...

(c) Marlo Jones, 2001