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Here is where the meat of the website lies. Opinion is very important in the wrestling world, so here's mine...

Please browse these archives by their date.

March 22, 2001ECW vs. WCW vs. WWF Feud Looming?
April 1, 2001 Wrestlemania X-Seven Predictions
July 5, 2001 Booking The WWF vs. WCW Angle Prior To Invasion
July 9, 2001 XPW And It's Fans Went Too Far With The Supreme Incident
July 10, 2001 ECW Inserts Itself Into The Invasion Angle, Raw Couldn't Have Been Better
July 23, 2001 Invasion Match-By-Match Review
July 28, 2001 (Early Morning Report) Kurt Angle becomes WCW Champion, Title lineage is important now?
July 28, 2001 (Afternoon Report) Joey Styles' likeness, Chyna discusses HHH, Main Event Wrestling making a buzz
July 29, 2000 Raw Is War, The Rock Says...
September 21, 2001 Unforgiven Predictions
October 9, 2001 Wrestling School Final Exams
October 12, 2001 How to Re-Organize The World Wrestling Federation
October 19, 2001 Complete No Mercy Predictions On A Friday Night
October 28, 2001 Get off the WWF's Back!
November 17, 2001 WWF Survivor Series Predictions
December 11, 2001 Vengeance Goes Off Without A HHH
December 17, 2001 Combat Zone and NWA East Put On Two Big Indy Shows
February 25, 2002 Ring Of Honor vs. WWA vs. XWF
September 22, 2002 Pro Wrestling Illustrated 500 Breakdown