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IWA in Puerto Rico ran a show using some WWF characters. One of the WWF guys actually won a championship down there. Crash Holly d. Super Crazy to win their Jr. Heavyweight championship... Lance Storm has updated his online commentary. He discussed the issue of his WWF success so far. Apparently his win loss record is more like a loss record. Here are some things he had to say:
"There are a lot of ways of getting a push and winning matches is just one of them. For that matter a stellar win/loss record does not, unto itself, mean you are being pushed."
"I guess my point is don’t get discouraged by a few losses; I certainly haven’t. Being a part of the mix and getting exposure is so much more important than an impressive win/loss record. In the end I think fans remember the faces and names that get the most airtime and the ones whose matches they most enjoy."
For the record, as of this writing, Lance Storm won the Intecontinental Championship... Trish Stratus is rumored to perform in a future Stacker 2 Commercial. With the WWF's growing relationship with Stacker 2, I'm not too surprised... Stacy Kiebler and Torrie Wilson will be hosting Heat this Sunday. Perhap's we'll see Trish before the Stacker 2 ad... Paisley is rumored to be about to sign with the WWF. If this is the case, she will likely be sent to Ohio Valley first... UK Channel 4 has announced that as of December, no more WWF programming will be on their channel. The reason behind them dumping the shows are because they think that WWF is too extreme... HHH may not be too happy with Chyna's recent comments about him. It leads me to wonder why Chyna's talking so much anyway... ECW may be bringing in the "Queen Of Extreme" Francine to accompany some of the ECW superstars... Summerslam's website has opened up. The poster for the annual show has the Rock doing his famous turnbuckle pose. Click here to see the website... Tommy Dreamer is rumored to still be suffering from back problems. This is likely the reason why we haven't seen him wrestle on TV as yet... If you want to catch Lita and Trish Stratus on the Howard Stern tv show, watch E! on 7-31 at 11:00pm EST... Word is that WWF officials are pleased with the chair bump the Undertaker's wife Sara took recently. That performance could net her a contract... Rumor has it that we may see the Impact Players sooner rather than later. Another rumor circulating is that Dawn Marie will take part in that...

(c) Marlo Jones, 2001