Rants...for the first day of August

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When I was in grade school, August 1st was always a day I dreaded. It was because I always knew that school was just around the corner, and almost every ad on TV would start reminding me of that point, day in and day out until school restarted. Jerry "The King" Lawler probably hasn't felt that dread for August 1st in the longest. But this August 1st is one that is even more hard than the 1st's of my past. KingLawler.com reports that apparently Stacy Carter (aka The Kat) has left Lawler after she returned from a vacation in Florida. With all of the devotion that Lawler showed to The Kat, even sacrificing his whole announcing career with the WWF for her, what a way to be repaid. Lawler's personal statement about the incident is touching, and allows me to see Lawler in a different light. You can tell by his words that he is genuinely hurt and confused, and doesn't know what went wrong. Quoting Lawler, here are the highlights of this difficult situation:

"Most of you know that on February 27th, Stacy was fired from the WWF without an explanation and as a result, I quit my job with the WWF in protest to stand beside my wife. We both had great jobs in the World Wrestling Federation. Jobs most people would give their right arms for. We both had 'Fame and Fortune'....It was a great life. Then suddenly it was all gone, in the blink of an eye!"
Speaking about the WWF's shocking firing of The King.

"She wasn't a wrestling fan and didn't really know who I was, or if she did, she certainly wasn't impressed. But I was certainly impressed. I was knocked off my feet."
Describing what he saw the first time he ever met Stacy

"I remember I set out to impress her in every way I could...I felt like Rhett Butler in 'Gone With The Wind' trying to charm my own Scarlett O'Hara."
Lawler discussing his plan on going after her.

"...the greatest pleasure was just spending time with her."

"I still remember the first "kiss"....that was it....I was hopelessly in love."

"Stacy was perfect in every room of the house...the living room, the kitchen, and especially the bedroom...if you know what I mean!"

"Life was good! It was good to be the 'King.'

"When I first told her I wanted her to be on the TV show (In Memphis) and interview some of the wrestlers, she almost got sick at her stomach."
Stacy's initial reaction to Lawler wanting to put her on Memphis TV.

"...the perfect first guest for Stacy to interview would be my mentor, Jackie Fargo! Jackie had helped me get started in the business and I felt there was no one better to help Stacy as well."

"Son, what are you thinking? You put Stacy into this business? Pretty little Stacy? Your girlfriend, Stacy? You're making a big mistake....you're going to regret it."
Jerry Lawler remembering what Jackie Fargo told him about Stacy.

"Maybe not right away, but eventually, I can promise you, you will lose her....she will leave you."
Jackie Fargo's advice to Lawler.

"I laughed and asked, 'Jackie, why do you say that? Why do you think Stacy being in the wrestling business will make her leave me?' I've never forgotten the answer he gave me when I asked him that question...he said, 'Son, you've raised that girl since she was 19, if she gets into the wrestling business and finds out she can make it without you, she'll leave you for sure!' How right he was!!!"
Lawler relays Fargo's message to us.

Lawler left Fargo's message to the end of his statement, and I don't blame him. Previous to that message though, Lawler seemed deeply moved by The Kat's actions. He said that one day she came to him and said that she wasn't happy with the marriage. That was the stake in the King's heart.

"My precious Stacy is gone. The girl I loved more than anything in the world has left me."

"I just can't understand how something so good could suddenly go so wrong. I am in our house alone for the first time in my life and I can't tell you what a miserable feeling it is."

I thought Jerry summed up all of his emotions best with the following:

"Where is she? What is she doing? Who is she with? Why doesn't she want to be with me? Nights are absolutely the worst. To have to get into the bed we've shared for the last 12 years alone is almost more than I can bear. I look over at her pillow where she laid her head at night and she's not there.....it's really tough. But every night, I tuck her in with loving thoughts and I wonder, can she sense it. And every morning I wake her with a gentle kiss...and I wonder, can she feel it."

I honestly think that Stacy saw something in Florida that caught her eye, and she decided that it would be the perfect time to skim The King from her life. I hate how she has done Lawler, and I wish she would come to her senses and be rational with him. But the more I think about it, the more I know that this is an irrational world.
Lawler should come to senses with the fact that he's a great person, and that there is nothing wrong with him because this female left him. He's done more for her than she can ever do for him, and his nobleness will not go without reward.

Stacy should come to senses with the fact that Lawler did not deserve this, and that his loyalty to her was never in question, while hers was proven recently. I wish The King all the luck in the world recovering from this, and that he doesn't have to let this kill him.

"I'd give anything just to be able to gaze into Stacy's eyes or hold her in my arms, even for a few minutes. I feel incomplete, like a part of me is missing when we are not together. But I may have to face the fact, that as much as I thought Stacy was my soul-mate, she was not really the right person for me. As painful as that sounds to me it may be a reality. If so, I will move on." Good Luck King.

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