Rants: October 19, 2001

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An Obscure wrestling tidbit to open up this session of the rants column. On Sportscenter this morning, they showcased a bowler who was one strike away from a 300. He ended up bowling a 299 because the last pin wouldn't fall. After this, they interviewed him and he said that he's back, and then pointed to his head ala RVD and inserted his own initials...Mick Foley has yet another New York Times Bestseller. His Halloween Hijinx book debuted at number eight on their weekly listing...The Hurricane will be debuting on the internet radio show Byte This. WWF.com as always hosts the show at 4PM on Fridays...Stacy Keibler has been making the rounds on radio stations this week. Her voice was heard on the Don and Mike show out of WJFK in D.C. yesterday afternoon, and she was on the Howard Stern show this morning. She was basically discussing her lingerie match at No Mercy this Sunday. Pay attention to this website for my Unforgiven previews and predictions...Smackdown last night was a very good show, with Vince McMahon giving RVD the official rub by pointing to his head like that wrestling fan bowler I spoke about above. Chris Jericho and The Rock also stepped up the heat for their match at No Mercy with Jericho putting his hand in Rocky's face, and then using his "Just Bring It" hand gesture. Here are the complete results from the Smackdown tapings from Tuesday, including Heat.

Smackdown/Heat Tapings 10-16-01
Dark Matches:
Albert d. Tommy Dreamer
Chuck Palumbo d. Sho Funaki
Scotty Too Hotty d. Steven Richards
(WWF Lightweight Championship) X-Pac d. Crash Holly
Rhyno d. "The One" Billy Gunn
APA d. Hugh Morrus and Chris Kanyon
The Hurricane, Lance Storm, and "Mighty" Molly d. The Hardy Boys and Lita
Maven d. Tazz
Tajiri d. D-Von Dudley
Booker T and Test d. Undertaker and Kane
Raven and Justin Credible d. The Rock and Chris Jericho
Rob Van Dam vs. Kurt Angle (no contest)

No Mercy, as I said earlier will be covered on this site very soon, but in the meantime, here is the official card as of now:

No Mercy: October 21, 2001
(Lingerie Match) Torrie Wilson vs. Stacy Keibler
(WCW Tag Team Championship) The Hardy Boys (c) vs. The Hurricane and Lance Storm
(WWF Tag Team Championship) The Dudley Boyz (c) vs. Tajiri and Big Show
(WWF Intercontinental Championship; Ladder Match) Christian (c) vs. Edge
Kane vs. Test
Booker T vs. Undertaker
(WCW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP) The Rock vs. Chris Jericho
(WWF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP) "Stone Cold" Steve Austin vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Kurt Angle

WWF Magazine has released their preview. Note that the WWF Informer section of the magazine always gives storyline clues. I will attempt to decipher some of them. My thoughts will be in italics after their clue.

How Will "the Game" play? - Triple H's return is near-but where will his loyalties lie?
The Dominant Diva - Which woman from the Federation or Alliance will stake claim to that title?
Heinosity! - The Edge & Christian dynasty may go the way of the Roman Empire.
The Princess Sounds Off - Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley takes over out Q&A session.
He Didn't Just Say That!?! - Booker T talks trash. Get used to it, sucka!
Forces of the Air - The skies are clogged with more high-flying superstars than ever before.
Summer of Slam - Exclusive photos are coverage from the spectacular Summerslam.
Splendid - Who('s) laughing now? Certainly not the ultra-serious Lance Storm.

Informer Section
Booker T may be close to getting a movie deal which isn't pleasing several Alliance wrestlers.
Could Booker T be leaving the alliance? With Austin telling Tazz and RVD to leave at last night's Smackdown, who else could be taking a trip to the WWF shore?
Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire may soon be "singing a new tune".
This might mean that they will be getting a big push next year. If they could work out the green, they could be a huge tag team force.
A "mysterious" luchador may soon show up in the WWF to help Essa Rios win a championship.
About damn time they hired Rey Misterio Jr. Next should be Juventud Guerrera who is in CMLL.
X-Pac recently got into a fight with Rob Van Dam at WWF New York. Lance Storm wasn't pleased but a "6'8" monster" came to X-Pac's rescue.
Could this be leading to an Albert/RVD fued down the road?
Kane may soon unmask at the request of several people.
Kane has been rumored to unmask ever since he had the mask. Just do it damnit! Rename him Glen Jacobs and have him fued with Bradshaw.
Terri is plotting on revenge on two superstars which have wronged her in the past. Apparently, the deal is being worked out in the Carribean and Terri "will be looking even better by the new year."
OK, who is wrestling in the Carribbean? Savio Vega (as Hombre Dinamita), D-Lo Brown, Val Venis?
"Iron Mike" may be returning to the WWF at Wrestlemania X-8 in Toronto to take care of unfinished business.
Mike Tyson would make another good appearance at a Wrestlemania. Perhaps they can have Al Snow train him for a match?