Rants for October 3, 2001

Please send all feedback, results, and comments to Wrestling Follower Feedback

Here comes a super deluxe extra helping of the Rants column. I haven't written this column in about a week, so more information will be given this time around. I will also be using a new format for upcoming shows (booked matches) and results that I compile. I hope you enjoy...Ric Flair is rumored to be considering appearing at this year's version of the Survivor Series which will emanate from his hometown of Greensboro, NC. Does this mean that the "real" invasion is about to begin?...Phil Mushnick has continued his bashing of Vince McMahon in the latest issue of T.V. Guide. This time, he decides to pour salt onto healed wounds, to no avail. In his "Mushnick Rant" (we're nothing alike, this is called "Rants!") column, he took it to Vince out of nowhere. "Three dates tell you all you need to know about Vince McMahon and his WWF shows." The dates were 5-23-99 (Owen Hart's unfortunate death on PPV); 5-24-99 (Owen Hart's tribute show); and 9-13-01 (Smackdown episode where alot of the wrestlers broke kayfabe in expressing their condolences for the victims of the WTC terrorist attack.) I just want to say that 2 out of three of those actions were extremely positive and moving tributes. The Owen Hart tribute started with the WWF's equivalent of the 21 gun salute. Then, wrestlers piled down the ramp and showed support for the family and friends of Owen. The Smackdown tribute was all about America, and Mushnick refuses to acknowledge anything positive about his nemesis. He continues to try to convince his readers that professional wrestling is evil, and that he knows right from wrong...Helen Hart, who is the matriarch of the Hart family is still in a coma. Due to the events in the WTC area, she was apparently stuck in the LAX airport in Los Angeles. During this time it is believed that she became dehydrated which could have sparked her diabetes. This sounds pretty serious, and I wish the Hart family the best...The WWF ran a house show in Biloxi, MS on September 30th. The results:
Tajiri d. Justin Credible
Chris Jericho d. Raven
The Hardy Boyz and Lita d. The Hurricane, Lance Storm, and Ivory
WWF Hardcore Championship: Rob Van Dam (c) d. X-Pac
WCW Tag Team Championship: Undertaker and Kane (c) d. Booker T and Test via dq.
Bradshaw d. Mike Awesome
WWF Tag Team Championship: The Dudley Boys (c) d. Big Show and Spike Dudley
WWF Intercontinental Championship: Christian d. Edge
WWF World Championship: Kurt Angle d. Steve Austin
Goldberg apologizes for putting his foot in his mouth.
BEFORE: "After inquiring about whether or not any WWF wrestlers had been to New York to offer support for the policemen and firefighters, it's amazing that, even though the WWF is basically based in New York City (Stamford, Conn.), none had been by there. Or at least to the places we had been, and with the people we saw and spoke with. That's disgusting...People ask me why I'm not working for the WWF. Well, I think that explains it." -Goldberg Book website.
AFTER: "I want to clarify and correct a comment I made following my visit Sept. 26th to Ground Zero in New York City. I questioned the World Wrestling Federation's support for the New York Policemen and Firefighters, based on the fact the New York Policemen and Firefighters who I spoke with had not had any contact and/or support from the WWF. Well, I spoke too soon; and I am man enough to admit when I am wrong. Upon further investigation, I am happy to report that, yes, the WWF has supported the New York Policemen and Firefighters, among others, since the tragic Attack on America. Some WWF personnel has visited New York City and other donations have been made, too; that I know for a fact. It's good to know that the WWF stepped up to the plate big time in New York and, for that, I applaud them."
Question: Why is Goldberg still considered a celebrity?...Opie and Anthony who air out of WNEW here in NYC had Kurt Angle on their show plugging his book and the WWF. I listened to the show live and even called in when they asked Kurt what happened to his face. I wasn't on the air though, because I hung up, but anyway, Angle may have confirmed an Austin/Angle match for Raw on Monday. He also laid out clues on the Mancow show earlier in the week. Angle is apparently making the rounds, since he was in Buffalo this morning, in Manhattan this afternoon, and appearing on "Live w/ Regis and Kelly" tomorrow...Combat Zone Wrestling put on two shows between the 22nd of September and the 2nd of October for all of their fans. Here are the results from both shows:
9-22-01 "They Said It Couldn't Be Done...Again" from Smyrna, DE.
Chris Cash d. GQ, and Ian Knoxx
Jeff Rocker d. Towel Boy
The Softcore Connection d. Quiet Storm and Barr Camm
Ruckus d. Hurricane Kidd
VD and Jay Briscoe d. Justice Pain and The Backseat Boys
200 Light Tubes Death Match: Wifebeater d. Nate Hatred

GQ d. Chris Cash and Ian Knoxx
Hurricane Kidd vs. Towel Boy was a no contest.
Adam Flash d. Danny Rose
Divine Storm d. VD, and Nick Berk and Ty Street
Jay Briscoe and Wifebeater d. Justice Pain and Johnny Kashmere
In the title vs. title match the Big Japan Jr. Heavyweight Championship and the CZW Jr. Heavyweight Championship were vacated when Ruckus vs. Trent Acid ended in a double-pin.
Z-Barr and Nick Mondo vs. Nick Gage and Nate Hatred ended in a no contest.
Speaking of CZW, apparently Greg from Tough Enough showed up in Sewell with a mask on. He then apparently took off the mask and said that he was now apart of the Combat Zone...Chris Benoit will return to television this week as a guest on WWF Sunday Heat...A caller to the Ron and Fez show in NYC (the guys that come on after Opie & Anthony) called to tell about a book signing that he attended. He said that Angle was a real nice guy, and that he was the last person in line. It's good that a caller would call and speak about how nice Angle is since that wasn't the topic of the show...