Rants...October 7, 2001

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Welcome to the latest column of rants, where news stories come and go. As a matter of fact, here come some now...Chris Adams, the person who trained Steve Austin to be a wrestler was shot to death earlier today. Details are slim, but the person who fired the gun claimed that it was in self-defense. Adams was known mostly for his stints in World Class and USWA and was an accomplished Judo student. He mostly wrestled under the name "Gentleman" Chris Adams, and spent a little time in WCW during their demise...King Of Indies tournament matches have been announced. They are...
"Future Legend" Donovan Morgan vs. "Black Nature Boy" Scoot Andrews
"The Natural One" Mike Modest vs. Bison Smith
"The Anarchist" Doug Williams vs. Adam Pearce
Samoa Joe vs. Frankie Kazarian
American Dragon vs. Spanky
A.J. Styles vs. Jardi Frantz
"Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. Super Dragon
Low Ki vs. Vinny Massaro
This card will be held on October 26-27 in Vallejo, CA. It looks to be a brilliant card. Being that it is a tournament, the seeds will look very interesting...Jim Ross in his weekly report has outlined the current WWF injuries. Among those injured are Crash Holly (minor concussion, doing ok), Trish Stratus (due to return on October 15), Jerry Lynn (patella tendon surgery), and the known injurees, Triple H, Chris Benoit, Bob Holly, and Rikishi...The Philadelphia Daily News, which is a pro-pro wrestling newspaper has a report about the heart problems of an upper independent talent.
"Russ Haas, a WWF developmental wrestler, suffered a heart attack and seizure Sept. 24. Russ and his brother Charlie were an area indy tag team favorite as the Haas Brothers. Russ' career is certainly in question as while he recovers. He cannot do anything physical for at least six weeks."
Chris Benoit appeared on Sunday Night Heat tonight. About his injury, he says that he regained full range motion in his neck. About Austin vs. Angle on Raw tomorrow night, he says definitely Kurt Angle. He also denied any interest in joining the Alliance after they showed the footage of him winning the WCW Championship from Sid Vicious in his last pre-WWF WCW match...Steve Corino may be retiring. I have read from two different sources that Corino has stated that he has accomplished everything he wanted to accomplish in wrestling. He hasn't ruled out Japan though. With him possibly facing Shinya Hashimoto at the NWA 53rd Anniversary show, that isn't out of the picture. It would be a shame to see Corino retire without seeing him in the WWF. He is a giant talent in a smaller body. One source said that it was off of Corino's official website, but I didn't find anything about it there, so as with every other news story in these Rants columns, take that with a grain of salt...The Artist Formerly Known as Chyna is said to be appearing on a celebrity edition of Fear Factor. I don't think she's scared of anything, so expect her to win it all...Buff Bagwell will reportedly be traveling to Trinidad to visit their leaders. Doesn't the United States have enough problems without him going down there and making us look bad?...Helen Hart has woken from her coma to the relief of her family and to wrestling fans all over the world...