Rants: October 9, 2001

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This will not be a normal edition of the Rants column due to the numerous news stories circulating on the internet and on news and talk radio. I will get back to the normal rants column next time, but right now I just want to comment on the latest news coming out of this complicated situation.

Bombing has begun on military installations in Afghanistan. Even though this is a wrestling website, I have no choice but to report on this intense situation. Today, I've seen a story that says that Anthrax is being reported in more than one area in the US. The government is so strict when it comes to keeping the general public calm, that it's hard to believe what they are saying about safety. Two stories that came out today were that a man in the Washington area on a train sprayed up to 35 people with an unknown substance. The train car was quarantined along with the 35 people. Also, it is being reported here in NYC that the levels of asbestos are 4 times more than with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reported. People seem to want to make this situation even more sickening than it already is. Reports are that the United States will start penetrating terrorist strongholds using what they have deemed as the "bunker buster." This bomb has the ability to burrough deep underground and explode within these secret bunkers, unleashing a half a ton of explosives. I generally don't believe in war, but I think we should make this evil regime submit, before anymore innocent people are victimized. The human race seems to be unraveling, and with the actions that have taken place within the last month, people need to step back and look at their actions...