First November Edition Of Rants, 10 Days In???

Please send all feedback, results, and comments to Wrestling Follower Feedback

I feel like Chris Candido right now. No Gimmicks Needed. Well, more like "No Excuses Needed." Honestly, I just didn't feel like doing any Rants for the past few days. There wasn't too much news since the last session of Rants, except for the UFC PPV, the controversy on the internet about WWF's direction, and the heat between Kurt Angle and RVD. Other than that, I didn't miss anything. Or did I? Nevertheless, here is an extra large helping of Rants, with a side of opinion, and a dessert of optimism towards the WWF's current product. If you're more into the independent scene, be sure to put an eyeball or two on my Independent section of the website. Because I feel like I've let the website down, I will also be writing an all-new column, with an all new subject, that no one on the gigante wrestling sites have thought of. How's that for excellent? And oh yeah, don't forget to tune any comments into my feedback email address. If you haven't seen it, look at the top of any screen on this website and click on the feedback link.

WWF Raw was a pretty good show this week, with a very good main event for the WCW World Championship. Here are your results for this week's version of Raw.

WWF Raw/Raw Zone: 11-5-01
Ivory d. Lita
(WWF Intercontinental Championship) Test d. Edge (c)
(WWF European Championship) Christian d. The Hurricane
(WCW U.S. Championship) Undertaker d. Kurt Angle (c) (dq)
(Tables Match) The Acolytes and Jacqueline d. The Dudley Boys and Stacy Keibler
(WWF Hardcore Championship) Rob Van Dam (c) vs. Booker T (no contest)
(WCW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP) The Rock d. Chris Jericho (c)

Ohio Valley Wrestling ran TV Tapings recently that included some WWF prospects and WWF veterans. Here are the results from that one.

Ohio Valley Wrestling TV Tapings: 11-7-01
Mark Henry d. D'Lo Brown (co)
Randy Orton d. Sean O'Haire
Ron Waterman d. Mark Jindrak
(OVW Southern Tag Team Championship) Brock Lesnar and Shelton Benjamin d. Jason Lee and Derrick King
Damaja d. Mr. Black
The Prototype d. Rico Constantino
(OVW Heavyweight Championship) Machine d. Bull Buchanan

WWF New York will not be open to the public for the next two weeks. They will be hosting a private party this Sunday, and the Heat for the week after won't take place there because of the Survivor Series. Speaking of Heat, if you're in the UK look for Heat to air at 12:05 on Channel 4 for November 11th. Speaking of the UK, the WWF has incorporated as a UK company and will open a London office by the end of 2001...Big Show will replace Vince McMahon at the big show in 2 weeks, representing Team WWF. They haven't officially announced why, but it's likely that Vince has stepped down due to internet pressure from wrestling writers...Paul Heyman and The Rock were both injured in the WCW Championship match on this past Raw. The Rock received an injury to his elbow from a chairshot by Chris Jericho and Heyman was injured when Jericho put Rock through the announce table. The table collapsed, and Heyman allegedly has a bone bruise on his right tibula...WWF is looking for new writers, they have a post on a jobs website looking for prospective creative writers...Smackdown on Thursday apparently beat out President Bush's speech. Looks like Austin's watch is more important than world affairs to viewers...Eddy Guerrero was arrested on Friday morning outside of Land O'Lakes Florida. He was allegedly arrested for a DUI, or driving under the influence (of what?)...Chyna or as she's called now, Joanie Laurer appeared on Off The Record in Canada. She discussed her reasons for leaving the WWF and Triple H. Her reasons for leaving the WWF were that Vince didn't want to pay her the giant salary that she was being paid, and she thought that $200,000 per year wasn't enough for her services. Her break-up with Triple H was because he was allegedly cheating with Stephanie McMahon...Bret Hart has written an exclusive column for the Calgary Sun. In it, he discusses his mother's death, the beef within his family, and the book written by Martha Hart. Here is the link: Tale of Hartbreak..Jim Ross' Ross Report was online for it's November 9th edition. Here are some tidbits from his recent report.
---He was at the Tough Enough 2 tryouts. He believes that since indy wrestlers were allowed to perform this time that "...from a physical standpoint will be better than last year."
---He laid out the injury report also. Making the list this time were The Rock, Rhyno, Kanyon, Taka Michinoku, X-Pac, Scott Taylor (2 Hot), William Regal, Hugh Morrus, Bob Holly, Jerry Lynn, Russ Hass and of course, Chris Benoit, Rikishi and Triple H.
---He discussed the fact that Afa is organizing a fundraiser for the family of Yokozuna. He announced that several WWF superstars will be donating their time.
---He also gave his condolences to the Hart family for the death of Helen. "...she was always a wonderful host and a real lady."