Rants: November 13, 2001

Please send all feedback, results, and comments to Wrestling Follower Feedback

XWF is running their first television tapings today at Universal Studios in Florida. They gave away free tickets, and those who received them saw, or will see the following matches:

XWF TV Tapings; 11-13-01

Barry Horowitz vs. Demon
Jimmy Snuka Jr. vs. Sarge
Kevin Northcutt vs. Vito DeNucci
Kingpins vs. Ron and Don Harris
A.J. Styles vs. Josh Matthews (Tough Enough)
Carly Colon vs. Cuban Assassin
Konnan vs. Big Vito

Knuckles vs. Norman Smiley
Barry Horowitz vs. Dresdin
Power Company vs. South Philly Posse
Vapor vs. Lex Lovett
Jake Damien vs. Greg Valentine
Rey Gonzalez vs. Kevin Northcutt
Mike Moran vs. Big 2 Fuli

Buff Bagwell vs. Vito
Maximum Force vs. Caged Heat
British Storm vs. Horace Hogan
Vampiro vs. Curt Hennig
Marty Jannetty vs. Hail
Cruiserweight Championship Battle Royal
Nasty Boys vs. Shane Twins

Konnan and Rey Gonzalez vs. Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera
Mr. Jones vs. The Wall
Hail vs. Knuckles
Norman Smiley vs. Johnny B. Badd
Road Warriors vs. Shane Twins
Curt Hennig vs. Buff Bagwell

Dresdin vs. Marty Jannetty
Horace Hogan vs. Josh Matthews
South Philly Posse vs. Shane Twins
A.J. Styles vs. Kid Kash
Jimmy Snuka Jr. vs. Vapor
British Storm and Curt Hennig vs. Buff Bagwell and Vampiro

Mike Awesome was apparently injured wrestling Big Show this week. Early reports are that he blew out his knee...Eddy Guerrero was issued his release from the WWF. He released over his weekend arrest in Florida for driving under the influence...Triple H won last night's Weakest Link on NBC. Early reports indicate that the show did a 7.8 broadcast rating...Raw did a memorable show last night, capped by the Steve Austin/Rock subsequent showdown and sing-along. Yes, I said sing-along. Here are the results from the weekly WWF show.

WWF Raw; Results; 11-12-01

(WCW U.S. Championship) Edge d. Kurt Angle (c)
(WWF Tag Team Championship) The Hardy Boys d. Booker T and Test (c)
Steve Austin d. Tazz
(WWF Tag Team Championship) The Dudley Boys vs. Albert and Scotty Too Hotty (no contest)
(WWF Hardcore Championship) Rob Van Dam d. Undertaker
Big Show d. Christian
(WCW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP) The Rock d. William Regal

Rob Van Dam sat down with an interview with Matt Duda on WCW.com. Click here to read it in it's entirety...Vince McMahon is said to have been pleased with last night's Raw effort. Hopefully the WWF can lift their morale a little bit going into tonight's Smackdown tapings in Albany NY's Pepsi Center.