Thanks(for)giving (me) Rants: 11-26-01

Please send all feedback, results, and comments to Wrestling Follower Feedback

Here's your first batch of Holiday Season Rants. Hopefully, you and yours will be able to have a productive, safe, and entertaining holiday season, after a trying Fall for our country. Let this be a time for us to grow closer to our friends and family, and not let the terrorist actions weigh on our shoulders too much...WWF ran a few house shows in the past few days. Here is the list of results.

WWF House Show: Daytona Beach, FL; 11-23-01

Crash d. The Hurricane
Adam Windsor d. Marcus Dillon
Raven d. Rico Costantino
Randy Orton d. Sean Stasiak
Ron Waterman d. Brooklyn Brawler
Chuck Palumbo and Billy Gunn d. Tommy Dreamer and Steven Richards
(Handicap Match) Big Show d. Diamond Dallas Page and Hugh Morrus
(WWF Tag Team Championship) The Dudley Boys d. The Hardy Boys
Edge d. Christian

WWF House Show: Lakeland, FL; 11-24-01

The Hurricane d. Crash
Marcus Dillon d. Adam Windsor
Raven d. Rico Costantino
Ron Waterman d. Brooklyn Brawler
Sean Stasiak d. Randy Orton
The Dudley Boys d. The Hardy Boys
(Handicap Match) Big Show d. Diamond Dallas Page and Hugh Morrus
Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo d. Steven Richards and Tommy Dreamer
(WWF Intercontinental Championship) Edge d. Christian

WWF House Show: Philadelphia, PA; 11-24-01

Yoshihiro Tajiri d. Spike Dudley
Lita d. Jazz
Brock Lesnar d. Perry Saturn
Kane d. William Regal
(WWF Hardcore Championship) Rob Van Dam d. Booker T
Tazz d. Sho Funaki
APA d. Scotty Too Hotty and Albert, and Justin Credible and Lance Storm
Test d. Undertaker
(WWF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP) Steve Austin d. Kurt Angle

WWF House Show: Ft. Myers, FL; 11-25-01

The Hurricane d. Crash
Adam Windsor d. Paul London
Raven d. Rico Costantino
Ron Waterman d. Brooklyn Brawler
Randy Orton d. Sean Stasiak
Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo d. Tommy Dreamer and Steven Richards
Big Show d. Diamond Dallas Page and Hugh Morrus
(WWF Tag Team Championship) The Dudley Boys d. The Hardy Boys
(WWF Intercontinental Championship) Edge d. Christian

The Outsiders have apparently halted negotiations with the WWF. The dilemma is said to be Vince's downside guarantee being too low for the duo. This does not mean that WWF and The Outsiders Hall and Nash will not renegotiate though...Mick Foley and Vince McMahon's disagreements may be shoots. According to sources closer to the situation than I am, Foley has had many disagreements with the WWF's direction of late, and has made those disagreements known. This seems like another case of McMahon making someone into a superstar, and the superstar repays him by trying to play hardball with him. They seem to always forget that Vince has great pitch selection...Joanie "Chyna" Laurer was on Howard Stern this morning. I listened to it live (Chyna shot on Howard calling him a pig) and it was pretty interesting. Here is the analysis of the interview.
-She was insulted because Stern said that he believed she was manly.
-When asked about her voice, she said that she had a larynx injury.
-After being called a homo by Joanie, Howard offered to take her into the bathroom and prove that he wasn't, and prove that she was a woman.
-Howard asked her about HHH and Stephanie, and she obviously got emotional. She said that Triple H (or Paul as she called him, as in Jean Paul) was trying Stephanie's pie when he had cake at home, and wishes that he would have been honest. She also said that Stephanie disappointed her with her unprofessionalism, but she also added that he has to play a kiss-ass. Isn't it ironic that Triple H and William Regal are good friends?
-Chyna then plugged her appearances and her website Body By She also said that she was looking for a good man, so all the single guys out there need to get to it.