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Welcome to another installation of Rants, the only newsboard/column you need. I have to start by saying that the World Trade Center attack is the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. I went to the roof of my 26 story apartment building and watched the skyline as the smoke rose and all I can say is the deaths of those innocent people should be avenged in the near future.

Direct TV has decided to air Sunday's Unforgiven PPV. Good move by Direct TV being that RVD will face Chris Jericho at the PPV. Former ECW female wrestler and valet Jazz has signed a developmental deal with the WWF apparently. Expect her to head to one of the territories...Jim Ross took part in a conference call lately. Among the things he discussed were unsigned prospects such as Juventud Guerrera and Rey Misterio Jr, his chemistry with Paul Heyman, and the responsibility of airing Smackdown after the WTC attack...Ultimate Pro Wrestling out of California is running a TV Taping on September 25. The card includes Keiji Sakoda and Shannon Ballard vs. Nova and Sylvester Terkay, Mikey Henderson and Vinny Massaro vs. The Cubanitos, The Urban Outlaws vs. The Lost Boys, The Manilla Thrillas vs. Prodigy and Spanky, Native Blood vs. Hollywood and Horshu, Frankie Kazarian and Looney Lane vs. Shannon Ballard and Cheerleader Melissa, UPW Shoot Title Champion Tom Howard vs. Bison Smith, and the UPW Heavyweight Champion Samoa Joe vs. Shooter Tony Jones...XPW has not released the card for Halloween In Hell II on October 13, but they have announced the venue. To find out information about the Pico Rivera Sports Arena, call (818) 755-8757...Combat Zone Wrestling has decided to run a show from Smyrna Delaware on September 22. It will be an early show running at 3 PM. Visit CZW for info later in the week about the card...NWA should be announcing the venue for their 53rd Anniversary show soon. They had to relocate because the National Guard Armory is off limits...Ohio Valley Wrestling ran their TV Taping for this week on the 19th. Here are the results. Brock Lesnar d. Rico Constantino, Nick Dinsmore d. Chris K, Bull Buchanan d. Machine via dq, Ron Waterman and David Flair d. Payne and Damien, Randy Orton d. Steve Bradley via dq...Unforgiven on PPV this Sunday should be running the following card. Raven vs. Perry Saturn, Tajiri (U.S. Champion) vs. Rhyno, Edge (IC Champ) vs. Christian, Undertaker and Kane (WCW Tag Champs) vs. Kronik, Dudley Boys (WWF Tag Champs) vs. Big Show and Spike, vs. Hardy Boyz, vs. Lance Storm and Hurricane Helms, Rob Van Dam (Hardcore Champ) vs. Chris Jericho, Rock (WCW Champ) vs. Shane McMahon and Booker T, Steve Austin (WWF Champ) vs. Kurt Angle...I'm about to watch Smackdown for this week, so more Rants later.

Marlo Jones; 2001