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Cursors By Rougue

.:: Rougue's Sites ::.

.: Graphics :.

.: Affiliations :.

To affiliate your guild with the Petpet Agency, copy the code below and page it into your site - email to request your button be added to the Petpet Agency Site.

XxRouguexX's Site



+ Immortal Neopets Topsites



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.:: [~!~ General~!~] ::.
Well I finally figured it out - how to create my own cursor's that is! You can use these cursor's in your website or on neopets or myspace. (for myspace & neopets user lookups, use CSS Code, for everything else, use General Html code).

If you don't see a cursor here that you'd like, email or neomail me and I can make it. If you have a specific picture you want used for the cursor, include that in the message.

.:: [~!~ Cursors~!~] ::.

CSS Code:

General Html

2: Lost: Charlie
CSS Code:

General Html

3: Lost: Hurly
CSS Code:

General Html

4: Lost: Jack
CSS Code:

General Html

5: Lost: Kate
CSS Code:

General Html

6: Lost: Libby,br> CSS Code:

General Html

7: Lost: Theme
CSS Code:

General Html

8: Fairy 1
CSS Code:

General Html

9: Fairy 2
CSS Code:

General Html

10: Fairy 3
CSS Code:

General Html

11: Balloons
CSS Code:

General Html

12: Bears
CSS Code:

General Html

13: Castle 1
CSS Code:

General Html

14: Castle 2
CSS Code:

General Html

14: Dragon 1
CSS Code:

General Html

14: Duel Hearts
CSS Code:

General Html

15: Pixy
CSS Code:

General Html

16: Purple Rose
CSS Code:

General Html

17: Unicorn Crest
CSS Code:

General Html

18: Wand
CSS Code:

General Html

19: White Rose
CSS Code:

General Html

CSS Code:

General Html

CSS Code:

General Html

CSS Code:

General Html

CSS Code:

General Html

CSS Code:

General Html

CSS Code:

General Html

CSS Code:

General Html

more coming very soon!

.:: [~!~How to Design Your Own ~!~] ::.

If you have paint shop pro and animation shop, you can simply create your own cursor by opening the picture you want to use first in paint shop pro....resize the picture (generally I use 20x20 or 30x30). After resizing it, save it (as a paint shop pro image/psp), then open up animation shop. Open the picture you saved in animation shop, then click "file/save as" and save it as an animated curser(ani).

Then simply upload the picture to a website - if you don't have a website, you can create one for free using angelfire, geocities, freewebs, etc(my personal choice is angelfire, its the best).

Once you uploade the picture, you'll get a picture url which will look something like this "" - and simply follow the coding in one of my above premade cursor above to use in your own webspace, myspace profile or neopets userlookup(or wherever else), just simply replace my url with your own.

Layout by XxRouguexX

.:: Web Layouts ::.

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