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.:: [ Moon Phases/ Moon Magic ] ::.

Full and New Moon Celebrations are the Days and Nights of an Esbat. These are Concidered Working Days...

New Moon
The new moon is the beginning of the lunar cycle, and means that the moon is completely in line with the sun and the earth. We see a dark sky with no visible moon. It's a time of newness and rejuvenation. The new moon is the three days after the new face of the moon and also includes the day of the new face of the moon. SPELLS: Healing/Blessing.

Waxing Moon
The waxing moon is the period of time between the new moon and the full moon. Every night, the moon gets a little larger. Any spellwork that requires growth should be done now. SPELLS: Power... is uaually used for Attraction.

Full Moon
This is a time when the Moon is at its most powerful, and the magic most potent. Performing any positive spell at this time will achieve good results. Since the full moon only truly occurs for one night out of the entire lunar cycle, it can be hard to fit it into your schedule. You can harness the energy of the full moon for about 2 days before or after the night the moon is truly full. SPELLS: Banishing/Protection

Waning Moon
The moon is waning as it gets smaller again, after the full moon. As the moon seems to disappear in the sky, use this time to do spellwork to remove things from your life. The waning moon is a good time for the casting out of the old ways, banishing old habits, smoking, eating habits, the removal of troubles and worries. SPELLS: Power... is usually used for Banishing.

The Blue Moon
Typically, there is one full moon every month, but since the lunar cycle is a bit shorter than our calendar months, there is sometimes two. The second full moon in any given month is called a blue moon.

Dark of the Moon
The Dark of the Moon (or Dark Moon) is traditionally the last three days of the Lunar cycle, immediately preceding the New Moon, and the time when the night sky is notably absent the presence of the Moon. George [1] notes that: “The earliest peoples understood that the power of life lay in the darkness of the moon.” “The purpose of the dark phase of any cycle is that of transition between the death of the old and the birth of the new. The dark time is a time of retreat, of healing, and of dreaming of the future.” i.e. the fallow times preceding outbursts of creativity and growth.

“Most of us do not realize we all have many dark phase times in our lives, and that these are naturally occurring periods in any life cycle. We fail to understand that endings are the precursors to new beginnings; thus when our life rhythms move us into and through these dark phases, we are ignorant of what is actually happening.” [1] It is the grandeur of Death and Rebirth, not merely an ending with the proverbial ride off into the sunset.

“The dark phase of the cyclical process is a phase of healing and renewal rather than one of fear and unknowing; a time of mystery, wisdom, and healing power -- all gifts of the Dark Moon Goddess.” [1]

“There is less energy available for outer activities and meeting the expectations of others, because the purpose of the dark phase is for focusing on the inner dimensions of our bodies and minds. If we can learn to attune ourselves to the natural rhythms of ebb and flow in our lives, we can use the intrinsic function of the dark times for healing and renewal. When we resist this inward motion in our psyche, then anxiety, stress, and fear are more likely to take hold of our emotions.” [1]

“The Triple Moon Goddess, in her new, full, and dark phases, was a model for the feminine nature in her entirety as maiden, mother, and crone. In her original worship the Dark Goddess, as the third aspect of this lunar trilogy, was honored, loved, and accepted for her wisdom and for her mystery teachings of renewal.” [1]

The BIRCH MOON is (feminine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF INCEPTION, or the MOON OF BEGINNING.

The ROWAN MOON is (masculine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF VISION, or the SPIRIT MOON, or ASTRAL TRAVEL MOON.

The ASH MOON is (feminine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF WATERS.

The ALDER MOON is (masculine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF UTILITY, or the MOON OF EFFICACY, or the MOON OF SELF-GUIDANCE.

The WILLOW MOON is (feminine) in polarity and is called THE WITCHE'S MOON, or the MOON OF BALLANCE.

The HAWTHORN MOON is (masculine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF RESTRAINT, or the MOON OF HINDRANCE, or the SUMMER MOON.

The OAK MOON is (masculine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF STRENGTH, or the MOON OF SECURITY, or the BEAR MOON.

The HOLLY MOON is (feminine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF ENCIRCLEMENT, or the MOON OF POLARITY.

The HAZEL MOON is (feminine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF THE WISE, or the CRONE MOON.

The REED MOON is (masculine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF THE HOME, or the HEARTH MOON, or the WINTER MOON, or the MOON WHICH MANIFESTS TRUTH.

The ELDER MOON is (masculine) in polarity and is called the MOON OF COMPLETENESS.

[1] Demetra George, Mysteries of the Dark Moon, The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess, Harper San Francisco, 1992.

.:: [Witches' Days of the Week ] ::.
Whats A Correspondence that shows which days of the week are best for performing certain types of spells.

The Moon; best for emotionally based spellwork, such us attracting confidence and intuition, protection spells, clairvoyance etc

Mars; great for spells to inspire passion and energy such as a spell to boost confidence. Mars is a warrior, so if you need a spiritual battle, this is the day for it. Tuesday is also a good day for protection spells.

Mercury; Great for communication (worldly or otherwise). Good for spells involving the granting of information.

Jupiter; probably the best day for spell work as Jupiter is so benevolent and loves to give. All prosperity spells or luck and success spells should be done on this day (be sure to keep it with the waxing moon).

Venus. . .ahhh, sweet love. This is a day for love spells and also a good day to offer your love to the gods/goddesses of choice.

Saturn. A restrictive energy. Good for banishing spells and ridding old energies. Binding spells are also potent on this day. Also good for focusing and developing patience (something a lot of witches don't have). Typically, I do not do spells on Saturdays unless it is to get rid of unwanted energies or desires.

The Sun; Truth in all matters. The sun is great for truth spells and generating warmth in your heart. If you feel that you are frigid inside and holding tons of resentment, use the Sun energy on Sundays to shine through a cloudy heart.

.:: [Color Chart for Witches] ::.
Color Associations and Symbolism

Signifies: strength, health, vigor, lust, danger, Holiday: Yule, Planet: Mars, Day: Tuesday Astrological: Scorpio

Signifies: encouragement, adaptability, stimulation, attraction, plenty, kindness, Holiday: Candlemas, Deities: Brigid, Planets: Sun, Mars, Mercury Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Astrological: -

Signifies: knowledge, learning, concentration, persuasion, charm, confidence, jealousy, joy, comfort, Planet: Mercury, Day: Wednesday, Astrological: Gemini, Leo

Signifies: finances, fertility, luck, success energy, charity, growth rejuvenation, ambition, counteract greed and jealousy, plants kingdom including herbal healing, Planets: Venus, Mercury, Days: Friday, Wednesday Holidays: Spring Equinox, Beltane, Astrological: Taurus

Signifies: tranquility, understanding, patience, health, truth, devotion, sincerity, honor, loyalty, peace, wisdom, protection during sleep, astral projection Planets: Moon, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter Days: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Thursday Astrological: Libra, Sagittarius

Signifies: power, piety, sanctity, sentimentality, tension, sadness amplification of other energies. wisdom, high ideals, spiritual protection and healing, psychic ability, protective energy, Planet: Jupiter, Day: Thursday Astrological: Sagittarius

negation without reflecting, unlocking when stuck, banishing evil or negativity, Holiday- Samhain, Planet- Saturn, Day - Saturday, Deities- The Crone Astrological - Scorpio & Capricorn

Signifies: purity, consecration, meditation, divination, exorcism, the full moon, healing, peace, spiritual strength, may be substituted for any other color. Planet: Moon, Day: Monday, Astrological: Cancer

Signifies: balance, neutrality, used in erasing, canceling, neutralizing, and return to the universe without repercussion destructive energies Planet: Moon, Day: Monday Deity: Athena, Astrological: Virgo

Signifies healing, familial or emotional love (rather than sexual), friendship, affections, unselfish emotions, spiritual healing, banishing hatred, Gem: rose quartz Planet: Venus, Day: Friday

Signifies: The Earth. grounding, trees, concentration, telepathy, spells to locate lost objects, protection of the familiars, pets, and animals, Planets: Moon (tan browns), Venus (all), Saturn (dark browns), Days: Monday/ Friday/ Saturday Deity: Gaia, Astrological: Capricorn Holiday: Mabon

Signifies: purity, the moon, treasure, values, female energy, the unconscious mind, Day: Monday Astrological: Gemini Deity: Artemis and other Moon Goddesses

Signifies: the sun, male energy, wealth, financial wisdom, conscious mind, attracting happiness, activity, intelligence, Planet: Sun, Day: Sunday, Astrological: Leo Deity: Apollo and other Sun Gods

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.:: The Sabbots ::.
This is just a quick reference on the general meanings & dates of the Sabbots. Later I will provide links to full pages of the Sabbots loaded with information about them and ideas on celebrating them.

The Major Sabbats:Seasonal Changes

SAMHAIN:OCTOBER 31..Winter is comming.

IMBOLIC:FEBRUARY 1..Spring is comming.

BELTANE:MAY 1..Summer is comming.

LUGHNASADH:AUGUST 1..Fall is comming.

The Lesser Sabbats:Turning Points, or the "height" of the seasons.

YULE/Winter Solstice:DECEMBER 21..Mid Winter.

OSTRA/Spring Equinox:MARCH 22..Mid Spring.

MID SUMMER/Summer Solstice:JUNE 21..Mid Summer.

MABON/Autumn Equinox:SEPTEMBER 22..Mid Fall.

.: Suggested Reading List :.

* These are all books I read and learned alot from *

Celtic Myth & Magickby Edain McCoy

-LIVING WICCA: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practicioner by Scott Cunningha

- POWER OF THE WITCH by Laurie Cabot

- SABBATS: A New Approach to Living the Old Waysby Edain McCoy



- URBAN PAGAN: Magical Living in a 9-5 World by Patricia Telesco

- WAYS OF THE STREGGA: Italian Witchcraftby R. Grimassi

- WICCA SPELLBOOK by Gerina Dunwich

- WICCA: Guide for the Solitary Practicioner by Scott Cunningham

- WITCH'S BREW: The Art of Making Magickal Beveragesby Patricia Telesco

- WITCHES BIBLE COMPLEATby Janet & Stewart Ferrar

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