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About Rougue

_ Photos of Me, The kids, My Hubby
_ My Bio
_ My Blog
_ link

Graphics & Other Web Stuff
_ Neopet Guild Layouts
_ Neopet Shop Blogs
_ Backgrounds
_ Backgrounds 2
_ Dividers
_ Image Gallery 1
_ Image Gallery 2
_ My Snowglobes Snowglobes 2

_ Glitter Images 1
_ Glitter Images 2
_ Button's And Blinkies
_ Glitters for PSP
_ Site Music(codes)
_ Rougue's Lost Graphics Site
_ User Lookups
_ Banners & Awards

_ Getting a Guild Started Suggestion Page
_ Guild Logos
_ Cursors
_ Music Codes
_ Shop Layouts

Web Layouts
_ Simple Weblayout "Kalidoscope Purple/Black"
_ Table Style Web Layout
_ Simple Weblayout "Blue"
_ Simple Weblayout "Grey"
_ Div Style Layout
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link

Web Design Help

_ My general html help page
_ My general html help page
_ Funky Chickens Html Help

My favorite Sims Links

_ My Sims Page
_ The Sims Fanatics Community - yahoo group I run
_ Night Time Sims
_ The Simitarium
_ Sims Freaks
_ Sims Interior Designs
_ Mrs. Sims
_ Dark At Heart
_ The Gothic Quarter
_ The Sims Dungeon
_ Sims Of Hades(downloads no longer work, contact me to get wallpaper & floors)
_ Sims of the Damned
_ Sim Witch
_ Simbella
_ Persimmon Grove
_ Simorphor (has great hacked objects)
_ Candlelight Sims
_ Marina's Sims
_ Sim Logical
_ Simprover
_ C & C Enterprises
_ Sim Programs
_ link


_ Appetizers
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link

Wicca/Pagan Info

_ Rougue's Pagan Information
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link
_ link

Favorite Links

_ Neopets
_ My Neopets Guild Website
_ The Magickal Cat online Metaphysical Store
_ The Mystic Corner - Witchcraft Supply Store
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Using Images & Backgrounds On Your Website

Using my backgrounds in my album.....

To use any of my backgrounds on your website, or in your Neopets shop (or else where on the web), copy and paste the code below to wherever it is you want to put the background, change "background url" here to the actual url of the background you plan to use.

For a "fixed" background (one that doesn't repeat) use this coding:

Using any of my images(including glitter, snowglobes, etc) that are in my album, copy and paste the code below - and change "image url" to the url of the image you plan to use.

To align your picture to the left:

To align the picture right:

To align the picture to the center:

Resizing images

To resize images you'll need to add height and width into the image tag. First what you'll need to do is find out the actual picture size is - you can do this by right clicking the image, click "properties". Where it says "dimensions" you'll see a number for example the picture at the top of this page is 640 x 480 pixels - 640 is the width and 480 is the hieght. That was far to big for my liking so I changed it to 260 x 220. To change the height and width of an image, copy and paste the coding below to your site - then after doing so, you'll have to play around with the height and width till its the size you want it to be.

With the hieght and width coding added, you can still align the picture wherever you want in the page, just add the alignment coding into the tag before you close the tag.

I hope this cover's any questions you may have about using my images - if you need any further help, or need help with other coding, feel free to email me.