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Should Jason Giambi be Cheered or Booed after his Steroid Use?

Submitted by
Angelo Marcelino to
  January 6th, 2004

» Should Jason Giambi be Cheered or Booed after his Steroid Use?

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When the Yankees signed Jason Giambi after the 2001 season, all us Yankee fans were envisioning him to be the best left handed bomber since the Bambino himself. But the recent steroid news about him has clouded his future with the team, and his relationship with the fans.

One of the things I am eager to wait for in the start of next year is how Yankee fans will receive Jason. He may not be booed right off the bat, but he will have the shortest leash of any Yankee player in a long time. In my opinion, we as Yankee fans need to support the man who was expected to lead this offense, even if he did use steroids. America is a very forgiving country, and while I don't condone the use of performance enhancing drugs whatsoever, we should support our guy. Giambi has tried hard to be recognized as a real "Yankee" in his stint here at the Bronx, so I think we should support the man. It will say a lot about our loyalty as fans, and it will motivate our first baseman and maybe help bring him out of the shell that he has been under for the past two years. The pressure that he has been under is strong enough to crush his biceps. The point I'm trying to make is that we should make him at least feel comfortable, because when he was in Oakland winning the MVP, he was at ease, and we need to make him feel that way. Giambi knows that he made a mistake; he doesn't need others to make him feel worse about himself because I’m pretty sure that no one feels as bad about Jason as he himself.

This steroid controversy is something that the team can use to rally on. It is a dark cloud that will hover around the Yankees next year, and we know that other teams' fans will let Giambi know about it. Red Sox fans are sure to shower Jason with "Steroids!" all year long. Whenever he hits a homerun on the road, he will be reminded about the big mistake that he made. It is critical that the Yankees support him, because if his contract doesn't get voided, we can't make him feel like an unwanted man. I hope that guys like Derek Jeter and Bernie Williams stand by him to make a statement to the relentless media. The Yankees have to unite as a team and let Giambi know that they have his back. However, Giambi still has to prove himself, cause it is pretty hard to root for a .214 hitter who makes about $17 million a year. Giambi is going to need as much support as he can receive because he is a good guy who wants everyone to like him, so if we show him some love, we may receive a .300/30 HR/120 RBI man. We aren't getting that if we boo Jason - he’ll just continue to diminish and go down as the biggest mistake in Yankee history. We don't want that in our 2005 team. We want a ring, and a productive Giambi can put us over the hump.

I will be cheering for Giambi more than any other player next year, and I encourage everyone else to join me.

Will you cheer Giambi? Post your thoughts!

Written by Angelo Marcelino for
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