St Hyacinth's Cemetery
Dunkirk New York
Established in 1875 as the second Catholic Polish Parish
in Western NY
The first known burials in St Hyacinth's cemetery occurred in 1903.
The cemetery consisting of 15 acres was blessed by Bishop Quigley in 1902.
Prior to that the members of St. Hyacinth's were interred in St. Mary's
cemetery on Bennett Rd in Dunkirk NY
The Cemetery Sign
If you are planning a trip to the cemetery,
it helps to know before you go what is allowed.
If you plant flowers you are required to water and care for them.
Glass vases, jars, shrubs, bushes, trees, metal and
plastic borders.
Home made grave markers, mounds in front of stones
and flowers behind stones.
No Dog Walking
Simple Map
This is the entrance from Rt 5. It is the only entrance.
The Chapel is to your left and the Veteran Memorial is to the right.
This map is positioned to the actual layout of the cemetery
You will see the Statues by Section One.
# This map does not replace the map or lot numbers set by the parish.
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