This website is dedicated the american series "Masked Rider" and the Japanese series "Kamen Rider"
It's also dedicated to the destruction of a show called "Sailor Moon".
This is my close call story...
When I was 10 years old,I saw Sailor Moon,and was instantly seized by it's evil hypnotic power.I would get up at ungodly hours to watchit,and would tearfully lament if I missed it.
Then when I saw an internet site which descrided Sailor Moon destroying my favorite hero,Masked Rider,my infuriation broke the spell,and I was free!
I warn all who see this,do not watch Sailor Moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my revised Sailor Moon themesong,which I wrote in honor of a fellow Sailor Moon hater,Marc of Chan.
First of all,The leader is a whiney girl who has the I.Q. of lima beans,has
This is to counteract S.O.S.. I.S.M.(Ice Sailor Moon) is geared to
crush Sailor Moon's presence in the U.S. . How is I.S.M. gonna do it?
Like this,you send E-mail to Bandai(The one who does Sailor Moon toys)
and tell them to ICE SAILOR MOON! Also,as I've advised before,start your
own Anti-Sailor Moon Homepage!
Go to Bandai,and tell em' to Ice Sailor Moon!
Commander-in-Chief:Kamen Rider Dragon Mail me!
Deputy Commander-in-Chief:Illumina Mail him!
Junior Deputy Commander-in-Chief:Tarantulus Mail him!
Page Content Officer:Marc of Chan(Reached through Illumina)
We've got more members,but I have'nt listed them yet.
With your support,we will be able to destroy Sailor Moon!
P.S.When,you E-mail Bandai,put in a good word for Masked Rider!
She's greedy little weevil by moonlight,pretends to an inocent dove by daylight,
she breaks down and cries if ther's a real fight,she is is the stupid Sailor Moon!
For buck she'll turn her back on a friend,if you pay her good,she might defend,
You're in trouble if she's the one on whom you de-pend,she is the stupid Sailor Moon!
Now the latest Anti-Sailor Moon News.....
Fox network,a major Sailor Moon syndicator,has pulled the plug on Sailor Moon!
And,even better,they replaced it with Masked Rider!
Anti-Sailor Moon Web page! You can do this by clicking on my link above marked,
"Start Your Own Anti-Sailor Moon page!"
This section of my page is entitled,"Why I despise Sailor Moon"
two golden meatballs on her head,and her most powerful weapon is a tiara.
Secondly,their collective name is "The Sailor Scouts",if that's not stupid,what is?
Third(after third I will use numbers),The animation almost rivals watching mildew form on a shower door!
4.One of them named "Sailor Mars" says things like "Burning Mandala!",have you ever heard of a
Mandala,let alone a buning one? I sure have'nt!
5.They survive direct hits from laser blasts,how?! All they're wearing is
a stupid skimpy sailor suit!
6.The unnofficial member of the group,Tuxedo Mask,can do absolutely nothing
besides throw roses!
7.Sailor Moon is a worthless meatball-headed pea-brain!
If you are a Sailor Moon fan,and are reading this,I'd like to ask you a question,
WHY ARE YOU READING THIS?!!!!! This page will do nothing but infuriate you.
I am the founder of I.S.M.,Kamen Rider Dragon.
This is the I.S.M. roster,
Links to other Anti-Sailor Moon pages
There are many others,but I have'nt gotten around to listing them.