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Kamen Rider Dragon

Architect of Ice Sailor Moon (ISM) International


-Archival Information-

Title: Kamen Rider Zone & Anti-Sailor Moon Web Base
Home URL:
Author: Kamen Rider Dragon
Year: 1999
Retrieved: 12/29/2008
Dead Links & Missing Files



Kamen Rider Dragon was the genesis of Ice Sailor Moon International. Before Kamen Rider Dragon, there were no Anti-Sailor Moon associations--only solitary pages from mild dissenters strewn across the internet in a disorganized manner. KRD changed that and, subsequently, changed the direction of the Moon War. What I have linked below is a copy of KRD‘s personal Anti-Sailor Moon page.


Kamen Rider Dragon conceived of ISM International in 1998. As KRD states on his site, he started as a Moonie but quickly became an ASM activist when he discovered that Masked Rider, his favorite show, was preempted by and replaced with Sailor Moon. Truly a visonary, KRD created ISM International to be in opposition of Sailor Moon fan communities like Save Our Sailors (SOS) and Sailor Moon Universe (SMU), advocating for the rights of networks to reject the show (and the pleas of its lunatic fan base by association). KRD also pioneered the “non-violent” approach of dealing with Moonies. It was his philosophy that, if an ASM activist were to make his site inflammatory enough, Moonies would attack him first--thereby making the ASM activist the victim to the rest of the world. KRD left the war in early 2000, stating to me personally that there was “no reason to continue” as the show was “as good as dead.” His current whereabouts are unknown.


The page that I have linked is the final incarnation of his site from 1999 (though, to be honest, it never really changed much from its inception). It is, unfortunately, presented without any graphics, as I was unable to locate those. The content, however, is still present. Also of note is that some of the links no longer work, as the sites to which they were connected are no longer available. The email addresses linked on the page are likewise out of service. Only those links that will eventually link to other parts of the museum have been kept active. In the interest of preservation, the addresses of the sites to which the dead links connected as well as the names of the missing graphics files can be found in the "Dead Links & Missing Files" section, linked above in the Archival Information section.


Kamen Rider Dragon's Personal ASM Page
Kamen Rider Zone & Anti-Sailor Moon Web Base

ASM Pages Associated with Kamen Rider Dragon
Text from ISM v.1


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