Our Sweet Mary

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Mary lived with my wife and I for over 26 years. She was Jan's sister, but seemed more like a daughter to me.
The many years spent with this dear lady enriched my life so very much.
It is with so much love I dedicate this page to Sweet Mary.

Called Away

Our beautiful angel has been called away
God needs her to be with Him in Heaven
We thank Him for the love of this sweet angel
For the many years with her He has given

Our world feels so empty now she has gone
But her memory will stay with us each day
Until that sweet time that we can meet again
Up in Heaven where our burdens we can lay

Thoughts of the past years we spent with her
Fills us with more happiness than most know
Little things that she would say that was funny
Made our love for her ever expand and grow

Her charm touched so many people on Earth
She has brought so many smiles to their face
Now it is goodbye to our sweet little angel Mary
Soon we will follow you to that Celestial Place

Going Home

When you leave your Earthly abode
Behind you will leave much sorrow
Loved ones to find grief in their heart
Left with empty dreams of tomorrow

They will send pretty flowers for you
That are placed by a shinning casket
Some will be made in to a floral spray
Others will be placed inside a basket

Both cut and living flowers they send
Their sweet aroma filling up the room
No smiles will you see on their faces
But tears to show this time of gloom

Little they know your bonds are lifted
It is to a far better place you are going
No pain or sorrow will ever follow you
Your Heavenly home God is showing

An Angel In Heaven

That little hospital bed is empty now
It was where our angel once did lay
Never again will she sleep in the bed
God took her to Heaven last Sunday

She touched many hearts down here
I know an imprint she left on my heart
She brought happiness to our home
But now it's to Heaven she will depart

It is for sure we will never forget her
Her impish grin would turn into a smile
Usually getting the things she wanted
Like going down to the Kmart for awhile

Yes it is for sure that we will miss her
Little lady who put a smile on my face
Today you bring a smile to God in Heaven
Our Love for you we could never replace

Little Mary

I love the big smile I see
Nothing is phoney there
When she says I love you
It shows she really does care

The beauty that I see in her
Can't be seen by everyone
When she calls me dumb silly
It is her way of having fun

I agonize when she forgets
She has Alzheimers you know
Just getting back from eating out
She thinks it is now time to go

My heart she melts in her way
Her love I return with my own
Down through the years with her
The love in my heart has grown

Everytime I give her a big hug
I will also give her one for you
Know and feel the love she has
With you she will share it too


The nurses wont soon forget her
Little lady in three thirty three
A smiling white haired cutie
Sometimes contrary she can be

Hi Jerk she said to one of them
I know that is what I heard her say
She surely kept them on their toes
She made sure they earned their pay

We know that they all loved her
When she left and was on her way
With a cheerful smile they told her
Mary, you have a super fine day

Thanks to everyone that helped her
I know we have told you that before
You know how we love this little lady
She will be in our hearts for evermore

Our Angel

In her smile I see an angel
A cherub with eyes of blue
Lights the world around her
Happiness she brings to you

Her sweet laugh is infectious
Her love she shows tenderly
A hug brings to her elation
Inner peace it brings to me

I know she came from heaven
She is one of Gods chosen few
Her thoughts are easy to know
As you hear her say I love you

We are thankful she is with us
A world of serenity she brings
Til the day she goes back Home
Flying on her set of angel wings

Sweet Mary

When you look into her blue eyes
A big smile will light up your face
A part of your heart she will steal
Leaving only pure love in its place

The love she gives is pure magic
Hearts break with her "I love you"
Her beauty lives inside her heart
Sweet little lady with eyes of blue

She makes my days more pleasant
With these little things she does say
You are dumb silly brings a chuckle
Happiness in her heart does ever lay

An angel some day up in heaven
Without doubt that time she will see
With all of the love she has to offer
In God's arms one day she will be

Our Special Angel

Today I was touched by an angel
Upon my cheek she placed a kiss
I looked into her pretty blue eyes
It's a sight I am glad I didn't miss

God put her here to be our angel
It's her love we can see every day
Smiles worth over a million dollars
But not a cent do we have to pay

It warms my heart when she laughs
I chuckle at the things she does say
An innocent grin she throws at me
Brightens an otherwise gloomy day

Some day she will walk up in Heaven
God will smile when he sees her grin
The beauty of the way he made things
Some bright day we will all meet again

A Buddy To Me

Hugs don't make a difference now
Eyes that once twinkled now stare
Smiles that once melted my heart
Have gone as if she doesn't care

A voice that once made us laugh
Has muted to only a mumble now
Gone is her little mischievous grin
Alzheimers has caused it somehow

It has been a few short years ago
She had a big pool where to swim
Splashing and smiling with pleasure
She was so filled with vigor and vim

Today as she stares at her television
I wonder what image does she see
As she sits there in her big lift chair
I thank God she is still a buddy to me

An Angel

I stand and watch an Angel sleep
With a hint of a smile on her face
God has sent this precious Angel
To have us to care for at our pace

Small feet wears a size one shoe
Blue eyes like a sky that is clear
Her chuckle will melt your heart
I love to hear her say "my dear"

Love her and get love in return
This is the way to all it should be
We know her love is unyielding
We must earn it, that we can see

Joy she now brings into our lives
But there has been sadness too
I know her home is up in heaven
When her work here is through

Smiling Angel

As we see her smiling in her sleep
We wonder what she dreams about
A sweet angel has a pleasent dream
Of this there can never be any doubt

She sometimes talks as she sleeps
Words we can't seem to understand
Looking the way she is smiling now
Her thoughts are of something grand

That smile must come from heaven
As she sees what her home will be
I wonder if God send here to Earth
Just to watch over someone like me

It brings a warm glow to my heart
As I look at her sweet angelic face
Knowing she has a place reserved
To be held in God's heavenly grace

Angel On Earth

Gray in her hair shows her beauty
Peace in her face shows her love
An angel sent down to us on Earth
From her home in Heaven above

One look shows her contentment
Her smile would melt a hard heart
Days could be troublesome at times
Her sweetness wont let them start

Blue eyes like pools of deep water
Lights up her world for all to see
So lucky to have her with us today
She is like a baby to Jan and me

Thank you my Lord so very much
For lending this angel to us today
We will take very good care of her
Until you call and you take her away

Angels In My Home

As she lies in peaceful slumber
A slight smile appears it seems
Is it something she saw recently
Or of past thoughts she dreams

Warmth fills my heart as I see her
I can almost see a halo on her head
So innocent she lies there sleeping
Head raised up in her adjustable bed

Mary is a sweet lady of sixty years
An angel to us she shall always be
On loan from Heaven to our home
She lights up a world for us to see

We think every day of this privlege
God has let this angel bless our life
I know another angel is living here
Her name is Jan and she is my wife

Mary's Gifts

I remember how she unwrapped her gifts
She had an unrelenting gleam in her eye
Mom got me this one she would then say
She removed the bow and laid it near by

Oh goody she would shout another gift
This one is from my sister Shirley I know
It is the one with the beautiful wrapping
It has some sequin sprinkled on its bow

This one is from Dottie with a nice card
Opening the card was a five dollar bill
As she opened the gift inside she found
It is a sweater that will take off the chill

She then saw a gift from her sister Doris
With wrapping that was silver and bright
When she got inside all the wrappings
She found gowns to wear in bed at night

Next up was a gift from her sister Janet
There was some pretty socks for her feet
A night shirt with a picture of tweety bird
She smiled as she knew they were neat

But the best thing she got from her family
Was the love to Mary in their heart felt way
What a great feeling we all did experience
When Mary opened gifts on Christmas day

He Gave Us An Angel

Although her words are hard to understand
Some of the sweet words I could never miss
Those moments when I hear her say I love you
Or the times she places on my cheek a kiss

Mary is the angel that has graced our home
For the past twenty five years or maybe more
To Jan and myself she is just like a daughter
One look at her smile, you see the love soar

Although she can no longer do any walking
Her little black wheelchair will take her there
When the weather is warm and the day nice
We can take her for a ride out in the fresh air

Every day I thank Him for leaving her with us
Because you see true angels are hard to find
A place in Heaven has been reserved for her
When it is her time to leave this world behind

Do Angels Cry

As she lies there peacefully sleeping
I begin to wonder do Angels ever cry
Although I can't see her silvery wings
One bright and blissful day she will fly

A smile I can see on her radiant face
She might be having a sweet dream
Perhaps she has seen that boy angel
Together they will make a great team

Angels come into our life for a purpose
It is for God's reason we know not why
Peace and comfort surrounds our Angel
To have all her love we certainly will try

But Angels will only stay here so long
Then they will go to their home on high
But they will still be watching over us
Always they will keep their watchful eye

My Little Buddy

I need a hug I heard her say
With that sly grin on her face
I knew she was conning me
She wanted to go some place

Could it be going to Pop's place
Or Walmart over at the mall
She knows what ever she wants
She will soon get them all

Maybe she wants to take a ride
In my little Ford pickup truck
When she tells me she loves me
I realize I really have the luck

A buddy to me she ever will be
I hope I can help her ever day
The way she sweet talks me
You know she will get her way

My Buddy Mary

Her smile is true and understanding
It can melt the hardest heart around
The beauty of this white haired lady
Deep within my heart I have found

She knows I am one her best buddies
I smile when I hear her say I love you
Although she was born with a handicap
I know she has been blessed by God too

Mondays are the days she really loves
It is eat out dinner for her at Pop's place
After she finishes her mashed potatoes
She wants to get into the Walmart race

Her greatest pleasure as she is shopping
Is all the nice people that she does meet
As she throws up her hand in a big wave
Smiles show on all those she does greet

One Year Ago

It has been one year since God took you
To be there with Him in that sweet forever
Tho we miss, and would love to see you
To ask God to send you back to us, never

We will always remember our little angel
Who gave us so much while you were here
Thinking about the sly little smile you gave
I stop and brush back a meandering tear

God was good to let us have you with us
All those precious years went by so fast
Tho I knew you less than half of your life
My memories of that time will forever last

Some day I know we will see you up there
A beautiful smile will be on you pretty face
Happiness will overflow up there in Heaven
That day we meet you in that lovely place

copyright © 2005 By Acie

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Email: acie@roadrunner.com

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