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Acies Poems 1

Our Love

Two people have met and fallen in love

With feelings that could be felt by no other
She was sent to my heart without great expectation
But that is the way you find your lover

Ever more I shall love her and she will love me

Together down lifes pathways we will always be
Inseparable, as one, always to be for each other
Thank you my lovely lady, thanks for choosing me

The lifes we now will share together will be happy

For love springs eternally from within the heart
Knowing what life can be for us together forever
Knowing that true love we have, we never will part

copyright © 1998 By Acie

Walk With Me

We walk together down the winding path

Arm in arm like two kids deeply in love
And we both know and thank all the angels
Who that makes it possible from heaven above

Our joy overflows and makes us very, very happy

To be together forever and ever is our life's dream
And surely I know that we will be there someday
And we will be happy thereafter in life's scheme

For I love her as I have never loved before

And I believe she feels the same toward me
Some day we will be side by side in blessful joy
And we will live our lives the way it was meant to be

copyright © 1998 By Acie


While waking from a peaceful sleep

I swear shes been right here
To kiss my lips once again
And to whisper love words in my ear

Where did she go I know I saw her face

She has been lying here beside me
In all her beautiful grace
A very lovely lady I know I did see

But now shes gone and I am sad

But tomorrow night I shall see
A vision of that lovely girl
And again so happy I will be

copyright © 1998 By Acie

My Love And Me

She stands straight and beautiful

The fine lady that I love
I know she came from heaven
On the wings of a snow white dove

Her beautiful long brown hair

Was woven by the angels up there
Her pretty blue eyes have won my heart
When she is with me I have not a care

Some day in a life we will together be

So happy to be there forever
So seperation could there never be
In that life for my darling and me

copyright © 1998 By Acie

My Heart

My heart is such a fragile thing

It needs much tender care
Don't let it fall or drop
It will break and scatter everywhere

The love that’s contained in lt

Would fill many an empty heart
Keep loving it my darling
Fulfill it never let us part

The past is now gone forever

The future is so clear and bright
I will dream of my sweet lovely lady
When my head does lay on the pillow tonight

So keep this heart in a safe place

Where it can be free to grow
With love of this sweet young lady
The love of my life I know

Keep filling it with your love

Never stop until runs over
Keep loving it forever my darling
And forever you will be my lover

copyright © 1998 By Acie

Cherished Love

Her love I will now cherish

It came to me out of the blue
I was looking for not her love
But for a life to start a new

She came to me so very swiftly

Like a hawk chasing his prey
I saw her and began to love her
How thankful I am for that day

Tomorrow will be full of sunshine

No clouds could there ever be
Just happiness now and forever
For that lovely lady and me

Yes I will cherish her love forever

No sorrow or sadness could be
A life long and so happy
For that sweet little lady and me

copyright © 1998 By Acie

I Saw A Picture

The wonders of her lovely face

I see once again today
Although she has gone from me
I know she will never stay

For love that we have between us

Can't, and wont fade away
I know you will be back to see me
How happy I will be that fine day

For the love we now share dear

Will never fade one little bit
Life with you is like living
In a world that is a perfect fit

So I will just be waiting and watching

For the sweet lady to appear
And to go on loving her forever
No matter if she is far or near

copyright © 1998 By Acie

Our Sweet Love

The sweet love that we share

Will never waiver nor will it die
It instead will flourish
And grow as each day goes by

Our lives now has much more feelings

With the passing of every day
We are blessed with that happiness
That has come to us this way

So sharing this love that we have

Is so easy with you my sweet love
I know we are a match made in heaven
By someone who comes from up above

If ever is forever my love

And with you I will always be
No place on this earth could ever be
Happiness without my sweet love and me

copyright © 1998 By Acie

How Much Love

How much love do I have

For the lovely lady I call mine
Oh bushels and more I know
She’s makes my face really shine

The gleam in my eye would tell you

The wonderful love in my heart
And make you know what it is
To be always with her never to part

To tell you how much I love her

Would take this day and more
The love I have for this lady
Is in my heart to the core

So let me tell you just how it is

To love someone this lovely way
There are always birds singing
In tune with my love today

copyright © 1998 By Acie

Our Hearts

Our hearts are now locked together

Never will they ever be apart
The beautiful feelings we have
Comes straight from each others heart

The lock will never be broken

The hearts will be meld as one
No place on earth will we part
As long as our blood will run

Tomorrow and even much longer

Our love will go on and on
Always looking onward and upward
Knowing our our love will never be gone

So lovely lady hear and understand

The heart of this loving man
Will be yours forever and more
Claim it quickly take it while you can

Hearts like ours will last forever

Never will they waiver or wane
Love it my darling eternally
Your love will ease all of the pain

copyright © 1998 By Acie


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