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My Poems Page 105

Our Beautiful World

A lake mirrors the mountain side
Imaging her in such perfect detail
Cloudless sky reflects high above
An Intricate likeness it does entail

With a world so filled with beauty
These eyes are filled with delight
From the time of early daybreak
Until the last vestiges of sunlight

Beauty as seen in colorful flowers
In the blue sea or stars in the sky
Cause us look up to the heavens
Knowing we need not to ask why

Beauty to the world He has given
Open your eyes and you can see
A prelude of what is waiting for you
Think how beautiful Heaven will be

A Friend

Have you met a new friend today
Someone that seems nice to you
With common thoughts you have
So easy to talk about things you do

To talk about the family you love
Will fill your heart with pure pride
Then you listen to your new friend
Her daughter soon will be a bride

A friend of a friend is a friend to you
So you find this world is quite small
We two could talk for hours on end
Promising to meet at the local mall

So meet a new friend this very day
One in which you will always value
Not so long I met a very nice friend
I am happy that good friend was you

Our Hills

I see the hills through the misting rain
With trees that shows leaves of green
Silhouetted against a sky that is gray
More beautiful hills I have never seen

As I stand on the deck of my home
I can feel this mist falling on my face
Although I have lived in other places
No other can compare with this place

In the next month we will be able to see
Colors that could bedazzle your eyes
Oranges, Reds, and Yellows so bright
Such beauty that is so hard to realize

Friends if you wish to see this wonder
Here is something that you must know
God has painted this wonderful picture
In these lovely hills of Southern Ohio

The Storm

Thunder roaring across a dark sky
Big black clouds float up in the air
Lightning flashing its fierce lances
A rabbit scurries back into his lair

Winds sway the limbs in the trees
As the rain drops are starting to fall
A big storm is rearing its ugly head
The Earth is covered by a dark pall

As the storm rages through the day
It seems as the wind is much stronger
Looking out the window to the old barn
We can see the roof is there no longer

Night comes and the wind is no more
Lightning and rain have passed on by
A smell in the air is fresh and so clean
My home has keep me warm and dry

Twenty Four Hours

In the amber glow of the setting Sun
Daytime is coming to a foreseen end
Night time will bring peace and quiet
As a restful sleep lets our body mend

Our night seem to so swiftly pass by
We wash the night from sleepy eyes
Eat us a hearty and healthy breakfast
Going to work as we see the Sun rise

We work the job down at the factory
Our hours are from seven until three
Going home to my wife and children
This is a life that is well suited to me

Soon we will see that amber sunset
This is the cycle of time that we see
Twenty four hours a day does make
Perfectly, He made it for you and me

His Pathway

Walking on a lightly shadowed pathway
This lovely undisturbed Sunday afternoon
I am thinking as I stroll among the rushes
Knowing I shall be meeting Him very soon

He is here when ever I might need Him
We walk near the edge of a lovely lake
Reflected beauty of the mountain above
Is a painting only the Master could make

I have this warm feeling inside my heart
As I know He will tell things to guide me
He will show me the right and way to go
He will open my eyes so that I might see

This wonderful pathway you also can walk
He will meet you there any time of the day
His invitation will always be open for you
Meet Him and listen to what He has to say

Her Greatest Friend

A gentle breeze caresses her face
As she daydreams of a yesterday
When they were but little children
When she would go out and play

She had met him in the summer
Her age was eight, his was ten
She knew she would marry him
But she just didn't know when

They had a wedding in early May
He was such a handsome groom
She recalled how happy she was
They knew love was in full bloom

Tho they had their ups and downs
She loved him up until the very end
With their children all moved away
She has now lost her greatest friend

When I Go

When the boney hands of death
Closes my unseeing eyes tightly
Lay me gently in my earthly bed
Brush the dirt over me so lightly

Weep no tears when I must go
But think of what I face ahead
To a land of hope and promise
Where there is love, not dread

It's place of peace and comfort
In this land I will some day see
You can bring a friend with you
Walk the golden stairs with me

So rejoice the day I leave you
I know you are my dear friend
Keep me in your heart forever
It is the beginning not the end

A Bouquet

A pink rose is kissed by the sun
After a soothing afternoon rain
With it's petals soft as pure silk
Much attention the rose will gain

Her blooms will grace the vase
On that table in a church room
A beautiful bouquet for a bride
Given to her by a loving groom

A beautiful wedding ceremony
Was seen by all that lovely day
As the bride leaves the church
She tosses away her bouquet

Caught by a sweet young lady
As the bouquet comes her way
She sees and admires the roses
Then dreams of her wedding day

Time Gone By

Gone are they days of our youth
Vanished as a ghost in the night
Days speed rapidly through time
Like mighty wings taking to flight

Dreams become a part of the past
Some of which did not come true
Thoughts cause a tug to your heart
Making you to feel so sad and blue

Down through the days of life we go
Never knowing what might be ahead
So many days filled with happiness
Few we find are also filled with dread

Realizing that life has been so good
Short as though it might seem to be
Having the love of a very lovely lady
Has lessened all the burdens on me

copyright © 2003 By Acie

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