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My Poems Page 109

A Rainy Day

It is a humid and stuffy morning
Sun is hidden by a big dark cloud
Lightning flashing across the sky
Culminating into thunder so loud

Wind is blowing trash on my lawn
Left on the road by a passing auto
Litter they leave along the highway
Causes so much ugliness to show

I can hear the patter up on my roof
As the rain now starts coming down
Sycamore trees are starting to sway
Dropping their leaves of dirty brown

Lawn needs mowed but it will wait
All of my other work I know will keep
One thing a day like this is good for
Snuggle up in a soft bed and sleep

Welcome To Portsmouth

From the city of Philadelphia he came
Tired of the hustle and bustle he had
Dr Schmidt has come to Portsmouth
All of us in Scioto County are so glad

Dr, we welcome you to our small town
We will try to prove your choice right
May the days here be your best ones
Always with a happy and restful night

We hope your family enjoys our town
May each day be better than the last
We are sure your name will be known
Good news always seems to travel fast

You will find so many nice people here
They will show you all the outs and ins
If you haven't heard of our city's motto
It is where Southern Hospitality begins

Lady And A Rose

Last roses of summer are gone
Jack Frost used his lethal paint
Beauty we saw in those petals
Are now just a memory so faint

Life is so much like the roses
Like a baby we see them grow
Taking care of them every day
Just because we love them so

Girls will become pretty ladies
Beauty will come to the rose too
Like on a early summer morning
When a rose is covered with dew

Softness of a red rose in her hair
Shows beauty in both we see today
Age much like the frost to the rose
Takes the beauty of the lady away

The Green Valley

As I walk down in the green valley
I feel the soft grass under my feet
Tall trees sway slowly in the wind
Beautiful flower's aroma is sweet

There I can see a babbling brook
Over rocks the white water flows
With large trout flourishing there
A spot any boy with a pole knows

I see a maple with leaves of red
Silhouetted against the blue skies
So many flowers grow wild there
Bringing such beauty to our eyes

Each time I visit this green valley
I have a warm feeling in my heart
Contentment I can know this day
Too soon this valley and I will part

That Old Church

That old wooden church is still standing
Although many changes have been made
A creek running in back of it has altered
Trees are gone that once gave to it shade

Inside is much like it was in time past
Kept spotless down through the years
On Sundays the old choir is still singing
Hymns that always brought you to tears

A little one room school stood next door
Many years ago it had been taken away
Although I was only five years old then
I remember being in the school one day

Happiness this church brings to my mind
As I think back to my unbridled childhood
Feelings that old church still gives to me
I know back then they were not understood

My Trail

It is a bright clear day in October
Air seems very pure and dirt free
Walking down a trail in the forest
Gives a feeling of relaxation to me

I hear the calling of a black crow
He is gleaning the farmers corn
Ignoring completely a scarecrow
Its clothing is so faded and worn

A rabbit bounds from the brush
Chased by a young beagle dog
Amused by the what I am seeing
I watch from a moss covered log

Sights and sounds in this forrest
So pleasant to my eyes and ears
I love walking along this old trail
Having tread it for so many years

He Was A Bum

He hears the clatter of the rails
As he rides an old open boxcar
He much prefers those long rails
To a road built with gravel and tar

Riding his first train at twenty one
He soon found what it was all about
Riding inside of a dirty old boxcar
So noisy to hear they had to shout

Many nights he could not no sleep
For he never knew who was around
A railroad Detective might spot him
Then would throw him to the ground

So many years of his life has passed
Not knowing which way he should turn
One day he met this bearded stranger
Today it is God's word he does learn

Lottery Ticket

Their house with a one car garage
Is no longer their home so bright
Replaced with a six car mansion
After winning the lottery that night

With friends never known before
There was a party almost every day
With expensive toys everywhere
Bored children didn't want to play

First it was only the booze flowing
Then it is cocaine lines they snort
Not realizing all the harm they do
Til one day they wound up in court

Today they have lost everything
Instead of winning they have lost
They bought a dollar lottery ticket
Not realizing how great their cost


To some it is known as field of dreams
It is known as a baseball diamond to me
There the young lads will grow into men
So many great ones I was lucky to see

Cincinnati had their old Crosley Field
I remember Lombardi and Vander Meer
Post and Craft were in the Reds outfield
Waite Hoyt was advertising Burger Beer

Riddle, Walters and Derringer pitching
There I saw Joe Nuxall and Blackwell too
Then to see the big Red Machine win it all
A great roster that made it all come true

I look and see the stars like Rose and Bench
Perez, Morgan, Griffey Concepcion and Foster
Don Gullett, Gary Nolan, and Jack Billingham
A part of that great nineteen seventy five roster

It is the dream of most all boys to play baseball
With some of the worlds greatest men of all time
Spending about three hours in their field of dreams
Where a clean uniform is turned into one of grime

What Service

Isn't it strange what service means
Cable co. says catch us if you can
Gas co. makes us the big promises
Funny you always miss their man

Always they give you a time frame
Seems their watch is always wrong
But we dare not go out for a minute
You must stay at home all day long

Five o'clock you try to call their office
A recording says they are not there
Please just leave us a brief message
Making it sound like they really care

Next day you make your call to them
You are explaining, their line goes dead
You better believe they wont ever forget
A date you meter is suppose to be read

copyright © 2003 By Acie

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