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Acie's Poems Page 11

A Lovely Flower

She is like a lovely flower
Her pedals in perfect rows
A flower of such magnificence
Who's beauty ever will grow

She is like a delightful rose
Dressed in her beautiful red
Her blooms so soft and delicate
Like silk sheets on a royal bed

She is like the tiger lily
So tall and so nice to see
Her pretty orange blossoms
Lights up the heart in me

A flower in my mind she'll be
Ever to hold a place in my heart
The most beautiful flower growing
Her vision in my mind will start

Copyright © 1998 Acie

The Beauty Of My Lady

Like a majestic mountain rising
with all her beauty from above
Nothing could be more beautiful
Except the lady I know and love

Like a swan with her pretty plumage
That is as white as the driven snow
She is in my heart now and forever
With love that no other could know

Like an orchid with its purple petals
So delicate, not unlike a ladys skin
A lovelier lady in this whole world
I know for sure, there has never been

Like the tranquil beauty of the forest
Where all of God's animals will play
she is steeped in all her serene beauty
So wonderful that she loves me today

Copyright © 1998 Acie


I hear her beautiful voice
Her song from its infusion
The pretty lyrics I hear
Wonderful to its conclusion

Her voice so sweet and kind
Like an angel softly singing
Has light the fire in my heart
Has set the golden bells ringing

The lovely uttering of her song
Brings peace and joy to my mind
She is an angel here on earth
No greater lady could I find

So sing again to me sweet lady
Your wonderful song in my ear
My heart will ever be open
Your songs I love to hear

Her songs she sings of love
Contentment shows in my face
To blend our voices together
Music we could never replace

Copyright © 1998 Acie

A Country Boy

Just a simple country boy
a country girl he does love
hearts now beating as one
underneath the stars above

he tells her of his love
how he wants her ever near
always to be there for her
never a need to shed a tear

Nights when they are together
happiness fills their heart
knowing how much love is there
knowing they could never part

Their dreams some day fullfilled
happy together they will ever be
living what their hearts want
two happier people you will never see

Copyright © 1998 Acie

My Beautiful Lady

Beautiful is the lady I love
ever in my heart will she be
her lovely disposition makes her
everything I want her to be

When she tells me she loves me
my heart is filled with much joy
I feel so much happiness with her
I would love to be her little toy

Tomorrow will bring us a new day
one filled with my love for you
Forever to be in love with this lady
and always the hope she loves me too

I know I will always make you happy
I hold a special dream inside my heart
of how we will have a lifetime together
to be in love forever never will we part

Copyright © 1998 Acie

Transparent Beauty

Some beauty is transparent
So easy to see through
There is no beauty there
only an illusion to you

My love is a true beauty
for beauty is from within
to tell you of her beauty
I wouldn't know where to begin

I know that I always will love her
for love comes from within my heart
I have a great yearning for her
every mimute that we are apart

Why can't she see this beauty
no mirror could show her you see
What a very beautiful lady she is
and how my love for her will ever be

Copyright © 1998 Acie

I Dream With My Heart

I dream with my heart
In love I will always be
with a beautiful lady
some people call her she

She is a image of beauty
I see her ever in my mind
the lovelest lady I know
prettiest I could ever find

I will always dream about her
her vision in my heart to see
always there and so beautiful
my sweet love she will ever be

I will dream about tomorrow
while I think of you tonight
Our sweet love will be there
we know it is just so right

Copyright © 1998 Acie

No Love Could Be Greater

No love could be greater
than my undying love for you
you are ever in my mind
without you what could I do

This greatest love will ever be
together forever we will stand
so much in love with the other
all our life to be so grand

Sweeter than any I have known
my life with you is so good
with a heart that beats for you
I love you like I knew I would

If you could look in my eyes
or if you could get into my heart
you would find the greatest love
and that is the way it will start

Copyright © 1998 Acie

If I Was A Singer

If I was the worlds greatest singer
I know the songs I would sing
They would be about the lovely lady
who has won my heart, my everything

My songs would be about her beauty
with her no one can begin to compare
she is my beautiful lady, so sweet
with blue eyes and long auburn hair

My singing would be about my love
I have for her in my heart everyday
to tell her just what she means to me
that my love for her grows in every way

I would sing to her about our happiness
of what it means to be with her today
to love her forever and to hold her
so sweetly, never to let her go away

Copyright © 1998 Acie

Thy Love

My love wilst be for thee alone
Thy beauty has won mine heart
M'lady hath such beauty and charm
how to tell thee, where to start

Thine eyes are the color blue
thy knows they are mine weakness
Thy blink thine eyes with a wink
and render myself so helpless

Thy beauty is thy greatest point
tis without doubt so outstanding
ye make mine heart beat so fast
and ye start mine head a pounding

Thy long brown hair hangs so long
it frames thy beautiful face
all these things with ye milady
forever have me in thine grace

Copyright © 1998 Acie

With Music In Her Voice

I hear the music in her voice
I feel the love inside her heart
it moves me to know true love
that will last and never part

So beautiful are her spoken words
I am touched to my very core
forever to be in love with her
as I have never loved before

Her words are soothing to my ear
so gentle she whispers only to me
all the sweet words I love to hear
will you give your heart to thee

Such music I have never heard before
uttered by this lovely lady yesterday
she sweetly whispered I love you
come into my heart and forever stay

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Copyright © 1998 Acie