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My Poems Page 113

Christmas Joy

As we all gather around the table
Thanks we will again give to Him
It is time once more to celebrate
Jesus Christ's birth in Bethlehem

Christmas is the time of great joy
When most families all can meet
Exchange gifts, have a great time
A joyous Holiday will be their treat

Love, there is this time of the year
It can be seen on everyone's face
From children seeing Santa Claus
To friends we once again embrace

Sights and the sounds of Christmas
Are such a beautiful time of the year
Be thankful of where you are living
And to freedom which we hold dear

Baby Jesus

Do you feel His presence about you
On this most Holy and Sacred season
Do you remember the birth of a Baby
Of course we know He is the reason

Born in a manger on that silent night
There was no room for them at the inn
He was born on some swaddling cloths
Then the life of Jesus Christ did begin

Born into this world as the son of God
Baby Jesus was perfect as He could be
Three wise men made their way to be there
It was little Baby Jesus they came to see

It is his birth we celebrate at Christmas
But we must not forget him on any day
To ask him for forgiveness for our sins
It is in His most precious name we pray


These past twenty five years with you
Have been the happiest of all my life
Your sweet charm and elegance grace
Make me so proud you are my wife

So swiftly these years have passed
It seems its been but a year or two
One cold night I met a beautiful lady
I am so very lucky that lady was you

It wasn't only for your lovely face
That put my heart into such a spin
It was the ease in which we talked
I knew that I loved you back then

As our love grows more each year
Happiness we will have every day
My love is there deep in my heart
Its a feeling that will never go away

Who Am I

Loneliness is my constant companion
It will travel with me every where I go
Sorrow and sadness haunts my days
Every minute they just seem to grow

Not a friend will ever have trust in me
Avoided by every contact I have seen
Everyone dreads to see my presence
Constantly hated because I am mean

All the time I try to be a little different
There are those who change my name
Still I remain just as nasty as I can be
It has become a part of my little game

I have been seen in so many places
In Hong Kong I went blowing through
People across this world have seen me
Most people know me as the rotten flu

Winter Remembered

Snow falls lightly this December day
It conjures memories of a yesteryear
Back into long but not forgotten past
Feelings at times captured by a tear

Happiness was felt inside that house
Love for her children my mother had
Working to keep us kids all together
Raising us without help from our dad

I smile thinking back to the old days
A more quiet life was lived back then
A homemade board to play checkers
Black and white buttons were the men

We had so much fun out in the snow
But the winters now seem to be colder
We stay inside our comfortable home
Much wiser since we have grown older

Last Minute Shopper

Twas the night before Christmas
And all throughout the shopping mall
Many people were still out shopping
It was at Walmart's I saw this brawl

Two women were fighting over a doll
For six weeks it had set on the shelf
One of the Walmart stockers yelled
You should be ashamed of yourself

As a leg broke off from that little doll
Its arm then hit the stocker in the face
Its head went rolling down the aisle
Fighting broke out all over the place

Police had to break up the big fight
Walmart wound up missing that sale
Fourteen shoppers were then arrested
They will spend their Christmas in jail

Up In Heaven

Keep that celestral light burning
Until we reach that distant shore
It is there we will meet our Savior
To know our suffering never more

We will walk streets of springtime
Where only beautiful flowers grow
Never a stranger will we find there
Everyone that we see we will know

Such lovely music we hear up there
Harps are played by an angel band
So sweetly the birds will be singing
As we walk along that golden strand

Breath air so fresh and invigorating
It is in everything we all shall share
In a land that will be always perfect
Where there is never a worry or care

Breakfast Together

Once again we see each other
Friends we meet from our past
Bonded together as if one unit
Memories that will forever last

It was with pride we did our work
Wanting to see the district grow
Four girls did all the office work
But it was Norm that made it go

There were days of aggravation
Other days we saw much joy too
Trips we shared with each other
It was on the big airlines we flew

Along came a big mean monster
American General was its name
National Life was then no longer
It took all the fun from our game

Insurance isn't needed in heaven
But there is something I can tell
There at our breakfast meetings
Norm will say see them and sell

Smiles of The Heart

With a lifetime of love he smiles
As he thinks of the good years
All of the happiness they shared
Times they even shared the tears

Why can't a lifetime last forever
Why must it be so dark at night
If you have that special feeling
Your days will always be bright

If your true love you have found
Your life with happiness abounds
Happy songs will fill your heart
Listen you can hear the sounds

Beauty can be found in the heart
Expressions of love you will find
Sharing a life with your true love
Proves that love really isn't blind

As I Think

Waltz to this beautiful dream
Dance to the music in the air
Listen and you will soon feel
You have not a worry or care

Ideas far beyond imagination
Bring opinions to your mind
A veiled thought will then be
Unclear but never to be blind

Smell the fragrance of the air
Unwind time that is all wrong
Listen with all good intentions
Within your heart carry a song

Be not alone with your time
Think of what will lie ahead
Face tomorrow and be brave
Listen to what He has said

copyright © 2003 By Acie

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