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My Poems Page 115

Sunday Sunrise

Sunday there was a firey sunrise
Seen high up in the eastern skies
It lasted but only a brief moment
Then disappeared from my eyes

Streaks of red colored the clouds
An eerie pattern the sun did make
With red mixing with a fluffy white
I see it reflecting off a nearby lake

Visions in our mind does often see
Strange but amusing scenes of sort
We see them a short period of time
Too soon it is time for them to abort

Wondering why these things we see
Maybe it is just playing with our mind
Could this some great celestial show
It is only in Him the truth you will find

Peaceful Mountain

High upon this peaceful mountain
Tall pines reach up to touch the sky
A snow fed stream sparkling flows
Down to my cabin and then on by

Quiet it is up here on my mountain
There is nothing to pollute the air
Beauty lives here on the mountain
We can see it in the deer and bear

I love to sing and hear the echos
That drift along the mountain walls
It is here I can trap the wild turkeys
Using all of my different turkey calls

So free are the feelings in my heart
Comfort will bring me peace of mind
I am blessed to have this mountain
For it was up here that He I did find

This Beautiful World

As I look across this vast horizon
So many beautiful things I can see
Lovely flowers dot the wooded hills
White blooms on the dogwood tree

Sky above is bright and clear today
Not one cloud to hide a brilliant sun
Two horses grazing in the meadow
Raising their heads they start to run

A sparkling clear brook there I see
Stocked with hungry rainbow trout
Barefoot boy with a long cane pole
Will have trout for dinner no doubt

We see what a wonder this world is
It is so beautiful when it is litter free
Please don't throw your trash on it
Keep it a wonder all of us can see

Snow Day

It is a white and crusty snow
We see on this January day
Most all of the children love it
They want to go out and play

School has been dismissed
All of the children are so glad
School bus can't run this day
Their routes are much too bad

Children will ride their sleds
Snowboards will be used too
Sliding at breakneck speed
Deep snow they go through

As I sit here and think about it
I had a sled that was awful fast
I close my eyes and I still see it
As I dream of that distant past

My Amaryllis

My Amaryllis is of rare beauty
It stands nearly three feet tall
Bought around mid November
On sale at the shopping mall

I potted the bulbs as directed
Filling dirt to the top of the pot
Watering only as was needed
Keeping it where it wasn't hot

One bloom is a reddish orange
Such loveliness my eyes to see
As you look back in to the center
Stripped as peppermint would be

With multiple blooms on a stem
They are about seven inches wide
As mine flowers in the wintertime
Rest of the year blooms will hide

Heaven Waits

Where the roses bloom forever
Where the skies are always blue
There to meet our loving Savior
Only our love will come through

Smell the jasmine and the clover
Walk barefoot through the sand
Know your neighbor as yourself
Up there where life is so grand

Hear the angels so softly singing
Know that the sun will never set
Wash your feet in that Holy river
It is great relaxation you will get

Walk upon those streets of glory
Up there old friends you will greet
There I will see my sweet Jesus
With great love it is He I will meet

Serpent Mound

Like a giant serpent you can see it
So it has the name Serpent Mound
It is located in Adams County Ohio
Near Brush Creek on higher ground

Length is nearly a quarter of a mile
Lying there on elevated ridge of soil
Near its mouth there is a large egg
Building required many hours of toil

I remember seeing Serpent Mound
First time, I was in the fourth grade
Just couldn't realize the size it was
Quite an impression on me it made

Might have been part of their religion
To make this monument it took years
We wonder if they worshiped snakes
Or if serpents were one of their fears

See Life

Hear the wind whispering in the pines
Relax to the warmth of this spring day
Hear the birds singing in the meadow
Sit back let all your troubles roll away

Watch the majestic eagle in his flight
Toss stones in a crystal clear stream
Walk the narrow path through out life
Make sure you always have a dream

See all the beauty that surrounds you
No ugliness might your eyes ever see
In your heart let the love come through
Contentment through life shall ever be

Let your eyes look up to the heavens
Feel goodness in your heart and mind
Keep your faith and never ever waiver
A great and rewarding life you will find


He had everything he wanted
At least thats the way it seems
He had made a lots of money
Which was one of his dreams

But he found his life was empty
Happiness could not be bought
He could see his gold and silver
But not the peace he now sought

He had lived the life of a hustler
Enrichment was always his goal
Anything to make himself money
In his past life he had fit that role

Today he now walks so peaceful
Having given all the money away
He found there is a greater being
He smiles as to God he does pray

Land Of Beauty

They built their home near the lake
It was their fantasy that came true
Capitvated by all the sheer beauty
Mountain of green, a lake so blue

Flowers grow there by the millions
Their aroma fills the unpolluted air
Clouds hanging fron the mountain
Mirror an image of this loving pair

A paradise they have found here
In an uncomplicated and free life
Unobstructed by evils of the world
Its perfect for a man and his wife

Unspoiled and beautiful it is here
It's ideal just like it ever shall be
God created this place for them
Beauty as far as an eye can see

copyright © 2004 By Acie

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