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My Poems Page 117

Mr Moon

As we sit side by side in the moonlight
It is such a beautiful world we can see
Mr Moon you have put out your glory
To give happiness to my love and me

In a hushed voice I hear her tell me
This night was made for me and you
Love we have tonight will last forever
To you my heart will be forever true

With a breeze that is blowing lightly
This night is as perfect as it can be
Our two hearts are beating in unison
On a night that is so beautiful to see

Our hearts have captured this night
A place we will again visit very soon
As we are walking slowly holding hands
We will look up and thank you Mr Moon

A True Friend

If today you should see me
As I am walking the street
With patches upon my coat
Worn out shoes on my feet

Would you turn your head
Then walk the other way
Hoping I hadn't seen you
As you silently slip away

Would you not be my friend
When my luck has all run out
With no money in my pocket
Would there be any doubt

I am a friend of yours today
No matter what befalls you
Rely on me for if I can help
I will help any way I can do

Ohio's Spring

As I look to the rolling Ohio hills
There is much beauty found here
Springtime shows white dogwood
So beautiful on a day that is clear

Redbud dots the lovely hillside
Hills then take a shade of green
Wild flowers start to spring up
Making the hills a lovely scene

To feel the warmth of a breeze
On a sun splashed Spring day
Feelings of gratitude come to me
For I know winter has gone away

Spring does bring life to the hills
Leaves to hide winter bared trees
Sun warms what was a chilly air
Ohio's Spring was made to please

Fools Wealth

Thy must now walk away forever
Heavy is thy mind and thy heart
Love springs once but an eternity
Somehow we now must be apart

Greed lost me thy love for thee
But for thine lust for thy wealth
Hath cost me mine feeble mind
Thy love now hath lost her health

Tis this feeble mind now gone mad
Seeking riches that eluded mine way
I now sit and stare at the ceiling above
Counting all the coins they took away

Which is better thy wealth or mind
In thy twisted mind there is no reason
For it is better to be without thine gold
Alas it was not thine sane decision


With ice and snow wherever I go
This winter is starting to get to me
I long to hear the sounds of spring
Birds singing and buzzing of a bee

To smell the springtime freshness
Feel the warm breezes on my face
To mow my and my neighbors lawn
Weed my garden at a leisurely pace

Watch the flowers grow and to bloom
See my roses with their silken petals
Grow the largest tomato in the county
Go to the fair and win first place metal

But it is wait I must until things change
When all the nasty weather goes away
I will dream until that lovely day comes
We wish springtime had come yesterday

Where Is Spring

With ice and snow wherever I go
This winter is starting to get to me
I long to hear the sounds of spring
Birds singing and buzzing of a bee

To smell the springtime freshness
Feel the warm breezes on my face
To mow my and my neighbors lawn
Weed my garden at a leisurely pace

Watch the flowers grow and to bloom
See my roses with their silken petals
Grow the largest tomato in the county
Go to the fair and win first place metal

But it is wait I must until things change
When all the nasty weather goes away
I will dream until that lovely day comes
Wishing springtime had come yesterday


Have you ever watched the river flow by
Wondered from where it first got its start
Was it high on a snow covered mountain
Ice melting then slowly began its depart

Was it a spring that has an eternal flow
Gushing water that never seems to end
Digging a path as the water flows along
Down a sight incline and around a bend

Perhaps its a combination of these two
Along with rains that we sometines get
Forming streams that are flowing along
Much bigger after two streams have met

As I sit and look at the mighty Ohio River
I see water that has flowed from far away
Onward it continues its journey Southward
To empty into the Gulf of Mexico some day

He Is With Us

As we travel in this world
We will never walk alone
He will always be with us
For His love is not a loan

Ever being by His side
Brings comfort to us all
Watch out for the devil
He is wanting you to fall

Lift your eyes up to Him
Praise His sacred name
Embrace and love Him
He can heal your pain

All your time on Earth
Listen and learn more
How to earn your place
On Heavens holy shore

Beauty On Earth

Everything God made has beauty
It may not be so apparent to us all
Snakes may be repulsive to some
To those people snakes cast a pall

We can see the beauty of a flower
They have a variety of colors galore
Roses with their silken soft petals
Is one of the flowers we all adore

Some times beauty can be hidden
Not easily seen by everyone's eye
Some will turn away and never see
Never to care and don't know why

Look all around and you shall see
How perfect He has made this Earth
Everything He made a place for here
Must surely have some kind of worth

Lake Cottage

Her reflection he sees in the lake
Peaceful place where they did live
So many years ago that he lost her
Foolishly her young life she did give

Alone that fateful Monday afternoon
She had tried to swim across the lake
He really doens't know what happened
It was her life that cruel lake did take

Dreams are so empty now without her
Not a day goes by without her memorey
At times he wishs he that it had been him
Heartbroken over this lady he cannot see

Their cottage still stands by the lake
He drops by to see it now and then
He moved out soon after it happened
Empty cottage sitting down in the glen

copyright © 2004 By Acie

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