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My Poems Page 118

Silent Mountain

There lies a gray timber wolf
On a mountain way up high
He looks with his keen eyes
His quest knows he is so sly

Two eagles are in silent flight
Searching in the water below
Grabbing a nice rainbow trout
Off to their aerie they then go

A Cardinal is singing to his mate
She sits on a branch not far away
Acting as if she is ignoring him
They will be building a nest today

Water is falling from a lake above
With a sound to lull you to sleep
What a beautiful place God made
A mountain high and a valley deep

Our Mountain Stream

From high on a snow capped mountain
A trickle of water begins a slow descent
Droplets that formed from the melted ice
Down to the valley below they are sent

Beauty seen along this sparkling stream
As it flows on down the mountains side
Tinted fall leaves on the red Maple trees
Fall into the stream and down they glide

Two bald eagles are up high into flight
Searching these pristine waters below
Perhaps they will spot a speckled trout
Or maybe they will find a large rainbow

So soothing is this place of rare beauty
It is a place where God and I can talk
Along a narrow trail beside this stream
It is here together that He and I will walk

Up In Heaven

Our journey through life ends
To find on that judgement day
What we have done down Earth
A home in Heaven will be our pay

When we meet up in Heaven
It will be such a wonderful day
We will talk about the old times
How we used to wile time away

For time will be eternal up there
With no clocks to measure time
Everyday will be with sunshine
We will have no hills to climb

Flowers will blooming everywhere
Lawns will be the grandest green
Water will be of the brightest blue
What a magnificent sight to be seen

Emotions Of Love

There is no stronger emotion than love
It makes the strongest man to be weak
Feelings that go on straight to his heart
When a quest of his lady he does seek

Love of money can bring you to shame
One who seeks to gain fantastic wealth
Often suffers from delusions of grandeur
Then winds up in a poor state of health

Love of power causes a man to go mad
It is good common sense that they lack
This has happend to all the evil leaders
See what happened to the idiot of Iraq

Love of God is the most powerful of all
What peace and comfort we all will find
As we let him into our hearts with honor
We know his love is so precious and kind

In memorey of a good friend Dora Bell Venier


From our depth of great dispair
Please God, show us the light
Give us that courage we need
Help us through our great plight

Flowers bloom in the springtime
So lovely is ever colorful blend
To be enjoyed through summer
Autumn will then bring it to end

So then it is with our circle of life
A seed planted, a life will begin
Ever to flourish and to grow on
Until God wants to call the life in

Though we grieve this great loss
We know it is Heavens sweet gain
She will never leave our memory
Until we see her in Heaven again

Our Cycle Of Life

First we all are made of clay
Then turn to bones and skin
To live our life here on Earth
Then turn back to clay again

That is the way with our life
God has planned it this way
Beginning our life as a child
Growing into an adult one day

Our cycle of life is so short
A century would make us old
It's then we will breath no more
Our body then will grow cold

Back into the Earth we will go
Our Heavenly home we can see
There to be with our loving savior
Eternally in Heaven we will be

His Green Valley

He left her down in the green valley
All over the world he then did roam
He dreamed about that lovely lady
Often he thought about going home

Too many miles and too much time
Passed with bad rum and stale beer
He wondered about mama and papa
Had they passed on was a great fear

A sunny day he returned to his valley
His mama and papa had passed away
It was there that he saw his lovely lady
Her golden hair had all turned to gray

Today they sit down in the green valley
On her finger is a gold wedding ring
He tells her of a lonely life without her
But satisfaction her love will now bring

Love For Life

Two hearts and one love
Bonded together for life
Forever they are faithful
To this man and this wife

Alleglance made in a vow
Ever to be honest and true
No secrets are to be held
In anything they ever do

Every day to be assured
By the words I love you
Happiness they have found
Two hearts are never blue

A smile she gives him
To her he gives a wink
Their love is so natural
It is a permanent link


As I sit here alone in silence
I can see an eagle as it flies
Its powerful swooping wings
Imaged on the pale blue sky

So quiet it glides in its flight
Seeing Its quary down below
Swiftly he goes into his dive
After a large trout he does go

Grabing with his strong talons
He will have a dinner of trout
Eagles are such a valant bird
Of this there can be no doubt

Chosen for our national emblem
Eagles are both brave and strong
Protecting their aerie and family
From anything that goes wrong

Do You remember

A failed dream may pass by
Never to be thought of again
Though it is still in your mind
You try to remember in vain

Many of our ideas pass on
Where they go I don't know
Could it be a senior moment
Where all good thoughts go

My memorey wasn't too bad
Not like an elephant though
Today it is a far different story
All of my recall seems to go

Maybe tomorrow I will know
Where I have been this day
But I wonder will I really care
Makes no difference anyway

copyright © 2004 By Acie

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