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She picks wild flowers in the spring
Carefully she breaks off the stems
Buttercups are one of her favorites
She treats all the flowers like gems

It is in the forest she loves to walk
Finding so many flowers in bloom
Lady slippers she finds to be dainty
Violets grow anywhere there is room

Black Eyed Susans are so pretty
Growing so heartily in the rich soil
Blooms on a Clasping Coneflower
Are beautiful and grow without toil

Daisies she picks the petals apart
With he loves me he loves me not
Of all the flowers here in the forest
Her favorite is a Sunflower Sunspot

That Old Road

That old dirt road has been deserted
With grass growing in the tire tracks
No gate will block that old roadway
Brick walls are now filled with cracks

Beautiful flowers still line that road
Tho not as many as we saw before
When a gardner was working here
It was so lovely with flowers galore

What was a mansion is gone now
Only a shell of the house remains
Deserted and left to the weather
Old roof would leak with the rains

Many memories that mansion has
It was there many debs had a ball
But it is so quiet on this estate now
They have all heard Heavens call

The Old Bridge

With the autumn season coming
Leaves are drifting to the ground
Some are keeping pretty colors
But most are now turning brown

He trudges along with his dog
As he sees the ducks swim by
He didn't catch many fish here
But not because he didn't try

Today the sun shines brightly
It casts shadows on the pier
He knows school soon starts
But he would rather be here

He sees the old wood bridge
From it he saw so much fright
He was late going back home
It was dark that scarey night

Early Spring Morning

Beauty found in an early spring sunrise
Awoken from the doldrums of wintertime
Buds can be seen on the old liliac bush
Time to get rid of winters dirt and grime

Spring house cleanings agenda is first
Windows we will wash bright and clear
Check the condition of the lawn tractor
Time for grass mowing will soon be here

Scotts Turf Builder spreader is all ready
It will make my grass so lush and green
My lawn is the envy of the neighborhood
I have been told it is the nicest ever seen

In springtime the air seems to be sweeter
Warmer weather I know will make that so
Buds are starting to to set on the bushes
We can see spring flowers begin to grow

His Perfect Garden

I am so amazed every time I see it
His garden filled with lovely flowers
Sun rays filters through the trees
Showing colors I could watch hours

So well manicured he did keep it
With tall hedges trimmed just right
He kept the gate so brightly painted
Everyone so loved that fantastic site

Flowers he planted with special care
Each color had to be a perfect shade
To blend in harmony with each other
He was truely a master of this trade

He plants his garden in Heaven now
But he guides a new gardners hand
One day he will have himself a helper
Up there where his garden is so grand

Those Steps

Many times I stood on that old walk
As I would go to the house on the hill
Walkway that was so filled with beauty
Some dogwood trees grow there still

Those old steps where I waited for you
Are still standing after all these years
I remember that day I said I love you
It was then your eyes filled with tears

I carved our names on an old Oak tree
Where we had picnics on the ground
You would cook us some fried chicken
Yours was the tastiest I had ever found

Today we still walk on that old walkway
We bought it back those many years ago
Married now and with three fine children
Up those steps to our home we now go

Old Lighthouse

We know there is a storm brewing
Waves are crashing along the shore
Sitting here in our cozy little cottage
I hear the wind blowing at the door

Wind drives waves onto jutting rocks
Creating spray heavy as a driven rain
Soon we will lose the light of the sun
This storm will be big one that is plain

I must go out into the lighthouse soon
Keep our warning lights burning bright
Ships that are sailing up our coastline
Must be warned on this stormy night

How many ships has my light saved
That is something I don’t really know
But it brings satisfaction to my heart
To know they can see my light glow

Love Birds

I can hear a dove on the hill
She is cooing for her mate
To build their nest for spring
She doesn't want to be late

He can hear her soft cooing
He soon will build their nest
Made with twigs and grass
He knows it will be the best

With the warmth of spring air
Their nest then will be made
Time has come for her work
All of her eggs must be laid

With their work almost done
Hatching time will come soon
Proud they are of their babies
Who will be flying come June

Lighthouse Island

She was born in the two story house
It was on one dark and stormy night
A motor boat had brought the doctor
Guided by the lighthouse lit so bright

For sixteen years she has lived here
Fresh air she had to breath every day
She loves to work in the small garden
Growing fresh vegetables her own way

When she sits in the open air gazebo
She hears the waves crashing below
Dreaming when she sees a ship pass
Of the wonderful places she might go

Some day she may leave this old island
But she can never forget her time past
No matter where on earth she might go
Visions of her small isle will always last

The Old Mill

I can still remember the old grist mill
Remains of it still can be seen today
Water from the creek flowing near it
Kept turning the wheels day after day

Trucks brought in corn and wheat
They had to cross the old train rails
After pulling up beside that old mill
Trucks were weighted on the scales

This old mill would grind corn meal
It also produced some wheat flour
Us kids would go under the old mill
We would play there hour after hour

I don’t know when it closed down
I moved from there and went away
As I go by that old mill these days
I have an urge to go over and play

copyright © 2004 By Acie

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